Breast Reductions Improve Back Pain
Very heavy and large breasts can cause a number of health problems that will make some women, and even men, eligible for breast reduction surgery. Although a breast reduction is performed by a plastic surgeon, many patients will undergo this procedure for practical reasons that are not entirely cosmetic.
Hypertrophy is a basic term used in the medical field to describe abnormally large body tissues. This term is commonly used to describe extremely large breasts,

although the term gigantomastia is more appropriate. Although the term is typically classified for breasts weighing in excess of 20 pounds, a patient with large breasts that do not classify as gigantomastia can still be considered for a breast reduction surgery.
Female patients should consider a breast reduction surgery if they are otherwise healthy and experience back pain or a disruption of daily activities due to having large breasts. Gigantomastia is often affiliated with pregnancy or puberty. Excess estrogen and progesterone hormones during puberty and pregnancy can accelerate rapid breast tissue growth. For many patients this condition is self-correcting once the levels of estrogen and progesterone are back to normal; and there is no need for corrective surgery.
Gynecomastia is a medical term used to describe an imbalance of male hormones, which causes male breasts; it accounts for up to 65 percent of all male breast cases. Additionally, certain medications and endocrine disorders can also cause large breasts in men. For male patients especially, it is important to investigate the cause of excess breast tissue because in many cases, the condition will self-correct
Most breast reduction procedures will require a skilled surgeon who has mastered the different incision techniques, which can help prevent scarring and avoid nerve damage. The pedicle incision is the most popular of these techniques because it allows for larger amounts of fat and breast tissue removal. This method uses an anchor shaped incision around the areola to preserve the nipples. Once the excess fat and breast tissue has been removed, the surgeon can move the nipple and areola to a higher position, which maintains the function and natural look of the breasts and nipples.
Although this technique is best for large breasts, there are some instances where the nipples need to be moved and grafted to a new location. In these circumstances, the nipples must be removed from the connecting tissue, and nipple sensitivity cannot be preserved.
For smaller breasts, there are other techniques that do make smaller incisions, and do not involve repositioning the nipples. A liposuction-only breast reduction is popular among male patients seeking corrective breast surgery. The this type of reduction is best for male breast tissue because it is less dense, and contains more fatty breast tissue.
Breast reduction surgery can be a little more complicated than an augmentation. The plastic surgeon must safely remove breast tissue, and then re-sculpt the area, and even move the nipples and areola. These reconstructive efforts can provide dramatic results and a better quality of life.