Breathalyzer Myths Unearthed Can You Beat it a Breath Test
In this article we unearth the breathalyzer myths that people have tried to beat a breath test. Maybe you are under the assumption that you can beat a digital alcohol tester with some of the ways.
The purpose of a breathalyzer is to determine the alcohol chemical levels in a person’s breath. Usually it is police who use these to find out if a driver is driving intoxicated from alcohol. People have been trying to find ways to beat the well-known alcohol analyzer for years,

so a number of myths have come about through these ways. Even though some people swear by these ideas, they're myths which don’t seem to work when it comes to the law enforcement digital breath alcohol tester.
One of the popular breathalyzer myths getting around these days is trying to cover the smell of alcohol with breath mints, sprays, or even toothpaste. This method will only freshen your breath, not truly cover or remove the reek of alcohol on your breath. Trying to use breath mints to fool a alcohol detector is a myth, and doesn’t seem to work.
A myth about deceiving a digital alcohol test is putting loose change or more exact pennies under your tongue. It was thought to work because having the copper in your mouth would somehow change the chemicals, or alcohol measured on the device. While pennies are made of zinc, sucking on them will definitely not fool the machine.
Some believe this breathalyzer myth that if they burp during an alcohol breath test, the test will not be able to read properly and they will be let off the hook. Belching or burping during or just prior to taking an alcohol breath test will not change the results.
This interesting breathalyzer myth had people drinking the alcoholic drink Zima because it was thought the malt beverage could not be picked up by an alcohol tester. As like any alcohol, Zima will show up on an alcohol breath test, the chemicals are discharged from your air ways and will show up on a breath tester.
If you’re going to use these ways to lower the result of an alcohol tester, are simply a waste of your time and effort. A digital alcohol tester is intended to pick up alcohol in your breath and the safest way not to return a failing result is to avoid drinking and driving. The most effective way to pass a breath test with ease if you don’t drink and if you do, avoid getting behind the wheel. If you have to take a breath alcohol test, all the folklore and breathalyzer myths you have heard won't help you if you're drunk over the limit.