I recently received an email offer for a hand held ... contains food fact tables, non volatile memory to holdthe user's input data (food types and amounts, height, ... and ... t
I recently received an email offer for a hand held computer
that contains food fact tables, non volatile memory to hold
the user's input data (food types and amounts, height, frame
type) and calculates the total calories or carbohydrates
that the dieter might want to track or limit.
Rather clever, and it will probably sell well.
However, if the dieter chooses safe food types, he/she can
eat huge amounts without ever counting either calories or
carbohydrates, and still lose weight. Of course, limiting
consumption to moderate amounts will speed weight loss, and
allow stabilizing at one's ideal weight.
Rather than reduce or bypass parts of the digestive system,
the most effective weight loss surgery is to staple ...
the mouth.
Here's a useful secret. A small amount of fat can satisfy
hunger better and longer than a large amount of low fat
protein concentrate. Restrict that fat to low- or un-
saturated types, such as available in nuts, eggs, legumes,
perhaps an avocado (if you are near the low cost sources),
and you won't put your cardiovascular system at risk. Some
use of truly lean meats can be healthful, but don't overlook
soy bean tempeh and similar high protein plant foods which
have no saturated fat. Eat as much as you can hold of
vegetables, fruits, and grain foods, prepared without added
sauces, sugars, dressings, oils, butter, margarine, cheeses,
and so forth.
Restrict your consumption on any high energy foods, such as
alcohols, refined sugars, fats and oils -- especially the
saturated fats. Eat the calories you need for the amount of
your physical activity, but not more.
Such diets need not be boring. Fantastic recipes from around
the world are now available on the internet. Just learn how
to be selective, and/or to modify the ingredients to safe
** Diet with FACTS, not MYTHS. **
Don't Just Rent Your Body
Have you noticed that some people treat rental housing with total ... Whether house or ... some people scuff the floors and trim, poke holes in walls, break toilets and faucets, let kidMaking Ethnic Foods Safer
One of the wonders of the modern world is that we can enjoy foods from other places and times. Books, ... TV shows, internet ... ... cultural events, as well as ethnic ... aFast Diet Fraud
Under the theory that "seeing is ... people continue to buy books and pills for dramatic weight loss in 7 days, or 4 weeks, or some other rather short ... What should be checked is how