Can Your Hair Type Contribute Towards Oily Hair?

Apr 7


Louise Forrest

Louise Forrest

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Oily hair is caused by too much Sebum production in the scalp. Usually people with oily hair, tend to have oily skin too which can cause all kinds of problems, and it can be an absolute nightmare to get rid of. So what causes oily hair and can your hair type have anything to do with it?


Hair Type and how it affects Oily Hair

Whilst oily hair can happen to anybody,Can Your Hair Type Contribute Towards Oily Hair? Articles there are people with certain hair types who are more at risk. If for example, you have long, fine, straight hair, you are more likely to develop oily hair. This is because the oil starts at the scalp and works its way down the hair. If the hair is curly and thick, the oil takes more time to travel down the hair, hence it is a lot less noticeable and it does not often pose a problem.

So, adding a little volume to the hair may help, but generally it can happen to anybody. The hardest part is treating the hair once it does have an oil problem! How to Successfully Treat Oily, Limp, Hair

Oily hair is generally dull and limp, and it tends to need thorough, gentle cleansing. One of the best things you can do to treat the condition, is to wash your hair frequently. There are many different specially designed oily hair shampoos and conditioners, though generally oily hair does not really need a conditioner.

Generally you do need to treat oily hair as soon as possible as it can cause other skin problems. For example, it can spread down onto the chest and the back through the hair, and this can in turn cause acne and other blemishes on the skin. Brushing too often is also not a good idea as, although when you have healthy hair, brushing often makes it look nice and healthy, it does stimulate the oil glands. When oily hair is already producing too much oil, the last thing you want to do is stimulate the glands even more! So always avoid brushing too much.

Some problems which can be caused through severe oily hair include the hair falling out. This is particularly true in men over the age of thirty five. Oily hair can also lead to dandruff which again can cause all kinds of other problems.

Another contributing factor to oily hair is if you sleep on the wrong kind of pillows. You really should sleep on cotton pillows and they should be washed frequently. Cotton pillows absorb the oil so that it does not go on your hair.  Washing your hair everyday is recommended, though if you do choose to do this, you need to make sure that you use a mild shampoo instead of one that is designed especially for oily hair as these can often be a lot harsher than mild ones. 

Try and stay away from oil based products, especially in hair styling products. Some people think that by using a hairdryer on oily hair, it will soak up the oil. Whilst there is some logic in this theory, unfortunately it simply is not true. If you do overuse a hairdryer you will end up with split, damaged hair, and the roots will still look dull and oily.

Overall oily skin can be a bit of a nightmare and it can never really be fully eliminated. Your hair type can affect your chances of developing the condition, but generally it does happen to everyone regardless of their hair type. Always use a mild shampoo, and wash the hair frequently to remove any excess oil. If you follow the tips above you will be able to successfully control the oil production, even if you cannot eliminate the problem completely.

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