Back pain is one of the common complaints of middle-aged people which often strike without any specific reason. The structure of our back is complex, ...
Back pain is one of the common complaints of middle-aged people which often strike without any specific reason. The structure of our back is complex,

made up of bones, muscles, nerves and joints. Even after repeated tests or imaging, the doctors are sometimes unable to pinpoint the actual cause of lower back pain. Neither can doctor pinpoint actual cause of it with any tests or imaging.
The discomfort of lower back is usually triggered by everyday activities, or gradually over the time as a result of sitting, standing or lifting heavy weight badly. Sometimes, you wake up in the morning with back pain without any idea of how it has happened. What has caused it?
Some of the common causes of lower back pain include:-
• Lifting, carrying, pushing or pulling incorrectly,
• bending awkwardly,
• sitting on chairs in wrong postures incorrectly in chairs,
• bending down for long periods,
• stating staying in incorrect postures for long periods,
• over-stretching during exercise,
• driving/riding for long periods without a halt and
• overwork of the muscles.
Lower Back Pain due to Muscle or Ligament Strain – Repeated heavy lifting, or straining of back muscles or spinal ligaments may lead to painful muscle spasms.
Bulging or ruptured disks – Many people who don't have back pain may turn out to have bulging or ruptured disks on undergoing spine X-rays. Disks, which are like a cushion between the individual bones (vertebrae) in your spine, may bulge out of place or even rupture and press on a nerve. This may cause a lot of discomfort to the lower back.
Arthritis – Arthritis in the spine can lead to a narrowing of the space around the spinal cord, to cause pain in the lower back. In some cases, arthritis may become a condition of spinal stenosis.
Skeletal irregularities – The way your spine curves may have an impact on your back. Skeletal irregularities such as scoliosis (in which your spine curves to the side) may be the reason of lower back pain. Pain in this condition is quite severe.
Osteoporosis – If your bones become porous and brittle, compression fractures of your spine's vertebrae may occur.
Everyone can develop back pain, even including children can. The common reasons of back pain include excess weight, lack of exercise and improper lifting. It may also develop because of the other reasons. Health experts recommend exercising regularly (building strength and flexibility) and maintaining a healthy proper body weight to keep your back health and strong.
If you have back pain for quite some time and it is not improving, it is advisable to check with a doctor.