Clean Teeth Could Mean Clean Arteries – Less Chance Of Stroke
More and more evidence points to the relationship between strokesand periodontal (perio) disease. Studies in the Infectious Diseases Unit, HospitalLuigi Sacco, Milan, Italy have reported that the thickness of the carotid arterieswas reduced after treatment for mild to moderate gum disease.
More and more evidence points to the relationship between strokes and periodontal(perio) disease. Studies in the Infectious Diseases Unit,

Hospital Luigi Sacco, Milan, Italyhave reported that the thickness of the carotid arteries was reduced after treatment formild to moderate gum disease.
Strokes are caused by blockage in a blood vessel (most common) or bleeding of a vessel.The studies that were conducted showing a link between strokes and periodontal issueswere those strokes caused by blockages. These occur when there is a thickening of thecarotid and other arteries. Deposits of calcium and cholesterol - that are in blood vesselsand arteries - break off and block the blood from reaching the brain. (The deposits areoften referred to as plaque deposits. This is not to be confused with periodontal plaque.)
The bacteria found in periodontal disease are the perpetrator. The protein in the bacteriais similar to that found in periodontal disease. While the bacteria are in the mouth, thebody sets up a defense mechanism to attack the disease. The chemical given off by thebody first attacks the periodontal disease then attacks the proteins in the blood vessels.This in turn builds up the deposits in the arteries. When the fatty substances break off thelining of the blood vessels they can travel to the brain and block the blood, causing thestroke.
There are about 800,000 strokes in the US each year, with over 140,000 deaths. It is thethird leading cause of death. Strokes strike both men and women and can occur at anyage.
Perio disease is a chronic infection of the soft tissue around the teeth. The gum tissue isdestroyed and pockets are formed around the tooth. Symptoms include loose teeth, deeppockets, bad breath that won’t go away, painful or bleeding gums and red or swollengums. There are no symptoms in the early stages of periodontitis. Professional dentalvisits are necessary to insure the disease is caught early. Periodontitis is caused by theplaque (in this case dental plaque) build up from not keeping the area around the teethand in between teeth clean.
There are risk factors for stroke that one cannot control. These include age, gender,and family history. There are risk factors, however, that can be controlled. One factoris periodontal disease. This can be managed successfully by individuals. Althoughoral surgical procedures may be necessary for severe cases, most treatment requiresgood oral hygiene. The American Dental Association ( recommends brushing teeth twice a day, flossing once a day, andprofessional cleanings twice a year.
The National Center for Biotechnology Information who published the study showingthe link between strokes and periodontal disease, reported that the thickening ofthe carotid arteries “are positively influenced by periodontal treatment.” (
This information reinforces the belief that many in the dental profession have known foryears, that there is a significant link between oral health and overall health.