When most people think of hair loss, they think of men losing their hair. But women suffer from the symptoms of hair loss just as much as men do. Keep reading to identify the cause of your symptoms so you can start to regrow your hair today...
Hair is a person's crowning glory especially for the female population, which directly links the sense of beauty to hair. Thus, it is a nightmare for any woman to wake up each day and realize that they are losing significant strands of hair.
For many years, countless women have been complaining from thinning hair and ultimately, hair loss. More doctors and dermatologists are receiving patients that are mostly concerned about baldness.
Hair loss is more of an alarm to women than to men. It is because it is a common and obvious knowledge that men are more prone to hair loss especially as they grow older. It is even associated with the ageing process in men.
But for women, it is an entirely different story. Female hair loss is practically a serious concern because it does not happen unless there is a physiological problem within the female body.
Statistics how that about 25 million women in the United States alone are suffering from anxiety caused by hair loss. The number seems to be rising. There is also a rising volume of such a problem in other parts of the world.
Genetic problem
Readily, several experts would easily blame hereditary factors for the female hair loss. However, through the countless studies that have been conducted through the years, it is found that female hair loss is not primarily caused by genetic inheritance.
It is found that there may be chances that a woman who has a bald mom will never be bald when she gets older. There is a lean chance that female hair loss can be passed from parents to offsprings.
So if that is the case, what are the causes of female hair loss?
Hormonal imbalance
The most scientific explanation for female hair loss involves hormonal imbalance. The female hormone, the estrogen, is involved in many bodily function within the female body.
If estrogen levels fall below the optimal levels, supply of nutrients to the hair follicles would be greatly affected and the hormone would not secrete necessary enzymes to help maintain hair.
Thus, women who are in post-menopausal stages are complaining more about hair loss occurrences. That is because when a woman enters the menopausal stage, the secretion of estrogen within the body is altered and reduced.
Thus, such a hair loss occurrence is linked to ageing because menopause period for women occurs when she enters the late adulthood phase, usually at the age of 50 years and above.
Women who are not yet in their menopause period can still experience hormonal imbalance if they regularly take contraceptive pills. Be informed that contraceptive pills also involve the secretion of estrogen, making its levels less optimum for potential pregnancy.
Childbirth, anemia and blood toxicity
Women are more prone to experience hair loss after they have given birth. That is because the process of childbirth is so tedious and nutrient-consuming that several minerals and vitamins in the female body are depleted.
Anemia can also be indicated by hair loss in women. Iron deficiency is the main culprit, which can also affect the quality and volume of the hair.
Other medical medications can pose threats to the woman's crowning glory. Cancer patients who undergo chemotherapy would expectedly suffer from hair loss. Fortunately, for most cases, hair is restored after complete recovery.
Surgical operations would cause hair loss, especially in women. It is estimated that about two to three months after a serious surgical operation, some hair would have to be lost. This is part of the body's coping mechanism to the stress and pain suffered.
Hair care deficiencies
If the female hair loss is not caused by any of the above, it would certainly be caused by improper and inadequate hair care regimen.
When using hair products, it is imperative that the women pay particular attention to the chemical composition. There are several shampoo brands that trigger hair loss due to its harsh contents and ingredients.
Moreover, there are some hair treatments and styling products that greatly damage the hair and scalp, causing the hair to rapidly fall and a thin out.
It is advised that before subjecting your hair into any kind of treatment or aesthetic product, you should first consult your doctor or dermatologist to find out if the product is really safe and is fitted for your hair type.
Also make sure any new product is approved by the US Food and drug Administration to ensure overall safety.
Combing and frequent bathing would also contribute greatly to hair fall in women, so be very careful when doing the tasks.
Hair is important to women as much as beautiful skin is important to them. Thus, it is imperative that women pay extra attention to the needs of their hair and be very careful when using any new product.
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