While most emphasis in plastic surgery is put on plastic and elective procedures, one category has been steadfast in advancement concerning the corrective use of the hands. Hand surgery is performed with the goal of restoring both normal form and function to the vital body part. Read on to learn more.
Penile Papules and Other Embarrassing Conditions
If you are embarrassed by penile papules or other physical conditions, relax! You're not alone and there are steps you can take to alleviate the problem and get on with your life.Telling Your Girlfriend about Pearly Penile Papules
If you end up with pearly penile papules, you will have to tell your girlfriend about it at some point. Gather literature and information to share with her so she'll be able to understand.Do Consider the Benefits of Cryolipolysis
Could cryolipolysis be the right option for you? This procedure offers numerous benefits over liposuction and alternatives and could be the ideal solution for your needs.