Comparing A Traditional Facelift To Injectable Fillers
The results of a facelift can be very dramatic in nature and offer more long lasting results than injectable fillers. Here we compare the two.
A facelift can transform the look of a person who has started to show the signs of aging. The technical term for a lift is a rhytidectomy or rhytidoplasty,

which means the removal of wrinkles by way of surgery.
There are different forms of lifts for the face. Excess facial skin is removed during the procedure and the tissues underneath is tightened if it is required. The skin is then carefully re-draped on the face and neck of the patient by the cosmetic surgeon.
Injectable fillers are capable of slowing down the signs of an aging face but they are not a suitable substitute for having a traditional lift. The results of fillers can last anywhere from three months to one to two years but the effects that come from a facelift can last for more than a decade. This varies from one patient to another. However the rejuvenating aspect of a lift far exceeds the effects that come from injectables.
What injectable fillers do is they zero in on the sunken portions of the face as well as targeting the wrinkles. A facelift on the other hand is able to improve and enhance the lower portion of the face as well as the neck. It enhances the lower two-thirds to be exact.
A rhytidectomy offers restorative help to the facial skin that no other cosmetic procedure is able to do. It can also eliminate excess skin that is marring the appearance of the face. Some of the underlying tissues can be aptly repositioned thanks to the efforts of a qualified cosmetic surgeon and muscles can be tightened. This will take years off of the face. The tired aged look will be gone from the patient's face. Injectable fillers are not able to bring about any of these age defying alterations. It is hard to compare facelifts to injectables. While they both have their good points, the former is far superior to the latter.
If you are thinking that the time has come for you to have this cosmetic procedure then you must be aware that it is a major operation and that it requires a significant recuperation period. You will not heal in a day or two when you have a rhytidoplasty. And you must be prepared for that. The profile for risk is also much higher for lifts than it is for fillers.
To determine if a facelift is the appropriate cosmetic operation for your face you must weigh all of the good and bad points of each. You must also have the cosmetic surgeon weigh in on what he thinks is best for your face based upon the condition of your skin and the lifestyle you live. Listen to what the doctor has to say but after all is said and done you must make the right decision for yourself.