Eales disease is well known an idiopathic obliterative vasculopathy.
Eales disease is common found in India. Eales Disease is a rare disorder of sight that seem as an inflammation and white haze around the outercoat of the veins in the retina. The disorder is most prevalent among young males and normally affects both eyes. It occurs predominantly in otherwise healthy men between 20 and 40 years of age. Eales disease is affected men and women equally. Eales’ disease is also characterized by recurrent vitreous haemorrhage. Many workers consider it a hypersensitivity reaction to tubercular proteins.
It has been related with tuberculosis, hypersensitivity to tuberculoprotein, autoimmunity to retinal autoantigens, sure HLA-antigens, oxidative stress of the retina and neurological disorders in different studies; a multifactorial aetiology seems most likely. It is a isobilateral disease, typically affecting young males. The common presenting arguments are sudden appearance of black spots in front of the eye or painless loss of vision due to vitreous haemorrhage. The haemorrhage clears up but frequency very common. There are many treatment of eales disease. Oral corticosteroids are the main remain for treatment during active inflammation.
Laser photocoagulation is argued in the neovascularisation stage of the disease. Vitreoretinal surgery is required for non- concludingvitreous haemorrhage and tractional retinal detachment. Intravitreal triamcinolone acetonide has been efficaciously used in reversing the edema and in leading to visual improvement. Peripheral retinal ischemia and neovascularisations are treated with photocoagulation of the ischemic retina, panretinal photocoagulation or conduct treatment of the neovascularisations. The antioxidant vitamins A, C, and E have been insinuated as a possible therapy because antioxidizing enzymes are deficient in the vitreous samples of patients with Eales disease.
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