Elastosis perforans serpiginosa is also called Lutz-Miescher's syndrome.
Elastosis perforans serpiginosa is a disorder characterized by transepithelial elimination of elastin. Elastosis perforans serpiginosa is a member of a larger class of disorders that puncture common transepithelial elimination extracellular material or fibres in the dermis. Elastosis perforans serpiginosa appears most often in early adulthood (20-30 years), but May was seen in infancy or in later life. It is more common in males than females. EPS usually appears during the second decade of life, but be considered May in infancy or in later life.
EPS occurs because the epidermis (outer layer of skin) said abnormal elastic tissue to a foreign body, responding to an attack through inflammatory. It May be caused by a genetic anomaly, or a side effect of medicines. EPS is presented as a group of small red bumps 2-5 mm in diameter, often grouped in linear, circular or serpiginous (snake-like) schemes. Each injury May have a central core, which is sometimes filled by a crust or scaly form. EPS usually arises in the back of the neck and, less frequently, on one or both arms, face, legs and trunk. There are three main forms of elastosis perforans serpiginosa.
The first is idiopathic elastosis perforans serpiginosa second is reactive elastosis perforans serpiginosa and final drug-induced elastosis perforans serpiginosa. There is no cure for EPS. Treatments include cellophane tape stripping, electrodesiccation and curettage, cryotherapy, glycolic acid, salicylic acid, flashlamp pulsed-dye, erbium: yttrium-aluminum-garnet, and carbon dioxide laser. The laser treatment techniques May were slightly useful in a patient with idiopathic EPS. Treatment with flashlight dye laser pulse appeared to be beneficial in one case reported EPS in a patient with Down syndrome.
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