Encephalitis lethargica is a disease distinguished by raised fever, headache, , physical and mental answer delayed, and lethargy.
Encephalitis lethargica is a definite infectious disease of the nervous system. The cause of encephalitis lethargica is not known for some. Several of the people with encephalitis lethargica had tested recent pharyngitis. There is also obviousness of autoimmune origin with antibodies of the patients with the EL binding to the neurons in the ganglia and the semi-brain basic. The disease of Postencephalitic Parkinson can develop after an access of the encéphalite-parfois as a long time as a year after the disease.
In acute cases, the patients can enter a condition of coma-like (mutism akinetic). The patients can also test the abnormal movements of eye, the parkinsonism, the higher weakness of body, the muscular pains, the tremors, the rigidity of neck, and the changes behavioral including/understanding the psychosis. No treatment of encéphalite, but treatment is not aimed at supporting the person by their disease. Early-stage can be treated by suramine and the pentamidine of both drugs. The neurological symptoms requires a drug which can cross the blood-tissue barrier to reach the parasite.
Drugs steroids can help to reduce the ignition in the brain. While the person recovers, physiotherapy, the food support and the therapy of the word can help to again dispatch them on the way with normality. They can also have need for support psychological to treat emotive and the behavioral problems. Levodopa and other anti-Parkinson drugs frequently produce dramatic answers. There is no vaccine for this disease.
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