Encephalocele is sometimes of generations and also more frequently occurs in the families with a history of the neuraux defects of tube, such as spina bifida. In the majority of the cases of the encephaloceles can be detected during gestation by formation image and present of ultrasounds while the obvious dramatic defects of form with birth.
Encephalocele known cranium bifidum. It is a defect neural of tube and characterized by bag-like projections of the brain and the membranes which cover it by openings in cranium. The defect can contain a part of the cover of brain cover (meninges) and fluid cérébro-spinal. Encephaloceles are frequently associated other cranial anomalies (head and cranium, or brain) and/or facial. In the United States, the encephaloceles occur in roughly 1-4 by 10.000 births of phase. The presence of a encephalocele is associated in the uterus a greater incidence of death. It is estimated it that survive only half with the birth.
Encephalocele is generally seen in the females that males. The girls are to have a encephalocele in the sector (occipital) back of their cranium. The boys are to have the defect in the sector before theirs cranium. This defect generally occurs in the back of cranium in North America. Encephaloceles are often accompanied by the anomalies craniofacial or other malformations by brain. Encephaloceles can be associated malformations of brain which can have an effect on the forecast. Encephalocele results if the brain starts to develop by these openings. There is a genetic component of this condition.
Encephalocele occurs often in the families with a history of spina bifida and the anencéphalie in members of family. The symptoms and the anomalies associated with the encephaloceles can include the hydrocephalus, spastic quadriplegia, microcephaly, ataxia, développementale delay, problems of vision, mental delayed-action and of growth, and the seizures.
There is no treatment for the emphysema, but currently the only effective treatments is surgery. The surgery is carried out during the early childhood to again place projecting fabrics in cranium, to remove the sac, and to correct the associated anomalies craniofacial. The surgical approach depends on the place and the contents of the encephalocele. The hydrocephalus joined the encephaloceles can require the surgical treatment with a shunt. There is no prevention of this disorder but, some studies proved that the catch of the folic acid supplements in weeks early of pregnancy can reduce the probability of the neuraux defects of tube.
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