Cosmetic Surgery - Plan Ahead for Your Procedure
There are some issues that you must take into consideration before having plastic surgery. You may need to request time off from work or arrange for childcare far in advance of your procedure.
Cosmetic surgery is becoming more popular than ever. You can have a variety of procedures to make you look younger,

more refreshed and improve your appearance overall. You can have your face surgically altered for a more chiseled look, reducing the appearance of fat in some places in your face.
A doctor can reduce the appearance of wrinkles on your forehead or extra skin on your neck. The doctor can also help to reduce some of the imperfections that you have had over a lifetime or those that you may have acquired as the result of an accident. You may have had a sports injury or an automobile accident. Doctors can complete amazing work at reducing the appearance of disfiguring scars or other skin problems. If you are burn victim, the doctor may be able to give your skin a smoother appearance. It is important to consult with a doctor to determine you options. Many people who are not satisfied with their appearance do not visit a doctor, and end up living with imperfections that always make them doubt their appearance.
Some procedures can be completed within a few hours and do not require an overnight hospital stay. In these cases, a family member or a friend will drive you home, and you will rest in your own bed. Your doctor will recommend a period of time that you should stay home from work. If you must take a couple of weeks to recuperate, you may consider asking if your time off could be covered by short-term disability or another medical leave.
Some businesses offer employees a certain number of days off that they can request for paid sick leave. Be sure to discuss these options with your employer. If you are able to take time off from work for your cosmetic surgery, you should ask your employers well in advance of your procedure. That is why planning is important when it comes to having a procedure. You may also have to plan for around-the-clock childcare, arrange for someone to pick up and take your children to school , or care for a pet. It is likely that you will not feel well immediately after your procedure, so you will need to arrange for friends, loved ones, or family members to care for you.
You should also make sure that your refrigerator is well-stocked with foods that you are allowed to eat. Ask your doctor about any dietary restraints that you may have due to your procedure. Before you have your procedure, during your consultation, your doctor will want to know the various medications that you take.
Think about going through your medicine cabinet and writing a list of all of the medication and the frequency that you take them. You should also inform your doctor if you take aspirin or herbs. You will probably be instructed to stop taking some of the medications prior to your procedure. Following your procedure, you should not expect to see perfect results immediately. The surgical area may be wrapped in gauze and a compression garment. You may also have swelling in the area after your cosmetic surgery.