Could Your Occupation Really Be Contributing To Your Oily Hair?

Apr 7


Louise Forrest

Louise Forrest

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Whilst it is uncertain as to what actually causes oily hair, some experts think that the job that you do could potentially be a factor in how your hair turns out. For example, lifeguards can often suffer from dry, damaged hair, due to the fact that they are always in contact with chlorine in swimming pools, and the salt in the sea can also contribute.


So What Occupations can contribute Towards Oily Hair Then?

There are a variety of jobs which can lead to oily hair. Jobs which make you sweat quite a lot for example such as warehouse jobs or gardening. There is nothing you can really do to prevent your job from contributing towards your oily hair as it is unlikely that you will be able to give it up completely.

That means that you can only really control the condition,Could Your Occupation Really Be Contributing To Your Oily Hair? Articles rather than eliminate it completely. However, if the condition does get particularly bad, you may want to consider changing jobs as oily hair can contribute towards acne. Treating Oily Hair

The best way to treat oily hair is to wash it frequently. You will need a mild shampoo as you will be washing the hair daily from now on and you do not want your regular shampoo to strip the hair of its natural oils. Whilst it may seem like a good idea because after all, your hair is oily, there are still some essential oils which the hair needs in order to stay healthy.

A mild shampoo is gentle on the hair, yet it is also extremely effective and tough on oily hair. Natural remedies are particularly effective such as talcum powder and lemon juice. Talcum powder can be used when you do not have much time and you need a quick fix to get rid of excess oil. Simply sprinkle a little through your hair, leave it on for around fifteen minutes and then brush it out. The hair should look shiny, dryer and it should be virtually oil free (at least for the time being).

Vinegar is also well known for treating oily hair and it should be used as a rinse when you wash the hair. Lemon juice is also good as a rinse and it tends to work quite well too. If you have darker hair, something you could try whilst you are at work is make sure you take a little hand towel with you in your bag, and some hairspray.

Then on your break, if your hair is looking greasy, simply spray on some hairspray and rub it with a towel. The alcohol within the hairspray tends to soak up all the excess oil and it can make oily hair look full of life and bouncy again. A job which causes a lot of stress could be contributing to your oily hair also. Stress hormones are often thought to cause oily hair and if your job is causing you permanent stress, you really do need to try and find a way to relax. Try not to take your work home with you. Take up a hobby which you find relaxing. Some people try yoga which also keeps them fit as well as calm, and others try knitting.

Knitting can actually lower your blood pressure too so it may well be worth taking up anyway! Just generally keeping as calm and relaxed as possible should help and it will also help to lengthen your life too!

Overall as mentioned earlier, your job does contribute towards oily hair, though there is not really a lot you can do about it. You can try quick fixes and they will work for a while, but generally you can only treat the problem, you cannot eliminate it completely.

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