Curious Home Remedy Wart Removal Methods
Warts can be very stubborn to remove. The standard removal procedures used by dermatologists are expensive, painful and many times do not work. Ordina...
Warts can be very stubborn to remove. The standard removal procedures used by dermatologists are expensive,

painful and many times do not work. Ordinary people have used their own home grown wart removal procedures for centuries. Apparently many of these actually work. Some of the home remedies may seem a little wacky but who can argue with success.
Warts are caused by a virus that invade through cracks in the skin. Warts will go away on their own most of time. Sometimes warts can be very stubborn and resistant to standard medical removal procedures. The act of trying to destroy them actually make them spread and the victim will be covered with many grotesque warts. You should not irritate warts by scratching or picking at them because they are contagious. Scratching or picking at them will make them spread.
Doctors do not really understand how or why people get warts. A lot of the treatments that doctors use like salicylic acid, freezing or laser surgery have mixed results. These procedures are expensive and sometimes painful. So it makes sense for people to try these more effective home remedies.
Apple cider vinegar is such a home remedy. The treatment consists of applying apple cider vinegar on the wart and covering it with a bandage. Most people soak some cotton in the apple cider vinegar and use the cotton as a swap to apply it. You might want to protect the skin around the wart with some Vaseline. It should take about a month of this treatment for the wart to be completely removed.
Nail polish remover is an unlikely wart remover but some people swear by it. Apply a liberal amount nail polish remover on the pesky wart. Do it every night until the wart is completely dissolved. This methods has an interesting history. Someone noticed that their warts went away when they began working in an auto painting shop. This gave them the idea to use nail polish remover which is similar to auto paint.
Vegetables and various oils are also home remedies. Caster oil, tea oil and other oils are used. They are applied to the wart several times a day. Potatoes and garlic are two plants that are supposed to have anti viral wart destroying properties. The potato should be sliced in half. The open part of the raw potato should be rubbed on the wart.
Plantar warts occur on your toes or on the soles of your feet. They can be particularly difficult to remove. They also can be quite painful and irritating. A successful technique for dealing with plantar warts is to soak your feet in warm water for about twenty to thirty minutes. Then you rub the soles of your feet with a pumice stone. This will make the plantar wart become dry and flaky and eventually the wart vanishes.
There are theories that warts are caused by an immune deficiency. These theories believe that taking immune boasting foods will prevent warts. Other theories claim that bad digestion causes warts. Clearly a good diet and a healthy lifestyle are part of the wart removal process.