The purpose of the massage of the back is to stimulate the nerves and circulation for treating backache, rheumatic afflictions of the back muscles, and for soothing the nervous system. The patient is made to lie down with the arms at the sides. The masseur effleurages the back from the shoulders downwards using both hands on each side of the spine.
Stroking is done
from the sacrum upward. Friction follows with each hand at the sides of the spine going down
slowly. Next, kneading by muscle picking is done with squeezing. Alternate rapid pushing and
pulling movement of the hands sliding down the spine. Circular kneading should also be done.
The treatment should end by slapping, hacking and cupping on each side of the spine. Gentle
stroking and light kneading of the back is relieving and soothing. Percussion and vibration result
into stimulating experience. Vibration of the end of spine benefits the sacral nerves and pelvic
organs. It is recommended in constipation, hemorrhoids, weakness and congestion of the
bladder and sexual organs.
Massage of the Throat:
This helps to overcome headache, sore throat and catarrh of the throat. The patient is made to
throw his head back. The masseur places palms of both hands on sides of neck with thumbs
under the chin, and fingers under the ears. A downward stroke is next made towards the chest
over the jugular veins.
Do not exert heavily on the jugular veins.
Bilberry is a fruit that native to Europe. In the middle ages, Bilberry was used for various medical practices including use as an antiseptic, diarrhea, and hemorrhoids. Bilberry is a natural mixture of phyto-chemical glycosides called Cyanidin, Delphinidin and Malvidin. Today, it is a well known anti oxidant and is generally used to treat various circulatory ailments.
As an anti oxidant bilberry is great in the defense against cell damaging agents called free radicals. Free radicals occur naturally in the body and are most commonly produced from simple oxygen exposure. An other common cause of free radical formation is exposure to carbon monoxide from such things as pollution and cigarette smoke. Anti oxidants remove free radicals from the body and help keep cells healthy. Too many free radicals can cause mutation of cells, which can lead to such things as cancer.
Using bilberry with other anti oxidants such as vitamin C and E and performing regular exercise can help keep your body purged of free radicals and may drastically help reduce the risk of such mutations.
Bilberry is also commonly used for the treatment of eye ailments. By relaxing the capillaries in the eyes, blood more readily flows and produces great benefits. Bilberry is a great source for keeping the body healthy for years to come.
remember to obtain your bilberry from the best possible sources. Be sure you choose a natural version of bilberry that has been comiled using the best natural procedures. this rules out the possible inclusion of toxins in the supplement
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