earth diet, the earth diet, lose weight, health, healthy, fitness, liana werner-gray, energy, weight loss, inner strength, blog
Thoughts: What is the difference between certified organic and organic? I had no idea there was a difference! And does it really matter?I caught up with my friend today Edward Kachab who created the book Chemical Free Kids! And what I got from the book is that by law,

any certified organic product sold in Australia must display a certified organic symbol and number,which means that the product complies with a set of international standards that are enforced on behlf of the Australian quarantine inspection service. Organic certification is maintained through the following means: unannounced annual audits and spot checks are carried out to ensure full compliance witht the Australian Organic Standard such as chemical sprays they are using. Australian farmers also require a minimum of three years of organic management on their land before they can hold the certificate stating certified organic. In relation to livestock, animal welfare is paramount. All animals must be fed certified organic feeds,cannot be given growth hormones or antibiotics and must be able to roam and graze freely performing their natural behaviour. For organically processed foods only a minimum amount of processing is permitted,with a limited number of conventional but natural ingredients allowed. No unnatural or synthetic dyes,colourings,flavourings,preservatives, or other additives are permitted. Regardless of the pretty packaging or the use of the words "organic" or "natural" if a product does not carry a certifying logo there is no guarantee it is actually organic! Oh I have been fooled for all these years!
Reasons for going organic: Many say that organic produced foods are superior in quality and taste. For other people, concern about modern farming methods, food manufacturing methods,and animal welfare are significant reasons why people buy organic. Many buy because of safety concerns,lower pesticides and fertilizer residues,and free from chemical and additives. While individually these chemicals may be present at low levels in your food, when they are combined with other chemicals they can produce an infinite noxious cocktail that can have detrimental immune and nervous system impacts.
For more information go to or
Challenges: oh sheeshhh yesterday and today were challenging, I have been grumpy and tired, and Im hoping its because I am getting rid of toxins and my body is getting used to no chemicals. I realized today that for 22 years I have been consuming chemicals in food, and all of a sudden I have reduced them dramatically (and I say reduced, because even vegetables have chemicals on them, so I am still consuming some, it would be impossible to not consume chemicals at all because it is in everything, even the air we breathe and water we drink), my body is sure to have side effects!
Triumphs: I got though the day! And I am alive and living!
What I ate today:
Breakfast: 2 scrambled eggs cooked in olive oil, strawberries
Lunch: Lichees (mmm so sweet and perfect for sugar craving!), strawberries
Dinner: homemade pizza! recipe bellow!
Dessert: I wish!
Snacks: Pitaschio nuts and macadamia nuts
Cost: Cost Of Dinner-Pizza: Spinach (certified organic!) $3.39, Buckwheat flour $2.86, Italian Herbs $1.02 (oregano, basil, thyme), tomatoes $3.99, one chicken breast $5.00 = $16.23 for two persons. $8.11 per person!!! Snacks cost: Pistachio $1.99, macadamia $3.76 = $5.75
Recipe: Ingredients: Buckwheat flour (Its gluten free and its actually a grain from the buckwheat plant, so its not actually flour, but has the same consistency of flour), some water, 1 table spoon of olive oil, one egg, 1 teaspoon of himalayan salt, italian herbs, basil, thyme, oregano (fresh or dried). Directions: Mix flour and salt and herbs in a bowl. I didn't measure the flour, so just chuck in a couple of cups full, its good when you don't have to follow exact measurements, there is room for creativity! Add the olive oil and an egg. Add some water. Use your hands and knead the dough. If it's sticky then add more flour. Knead it to a pizza base and put it in the oven, I cooked it for 10 minutes on 150 degrees.
Pizza topping: free range organic chicken breast, 1/2 purple onion, baby spinach, chopped tomatoes, diced garlic, (Bryan wanted cheese, I don't like it, nor is it natural the earth) so if you want to use cheese, use it, Bryan had feta cheese, the ingredients in it are milk, salt, water and culture (culture is good bacteria- what ever that means!) and you can also use organic tomato paste if you want. Directions: Cook the chicken. Once the dough is cooked in the oven and it is crispy,add your toppings to it, tomatoes or tomatoe paste, spinach, chicken, onion and garlic. If you are using cheese put cheese on last. Grill in the oven until cheese melts or you feel its done and ready for your body ;)
Bryan wanted cheese, so half the pizza has cheese, the other earthy side it my side hehe!
Exercise: 30 minutes walk in the botanical gardens with Edward :) and 45 minutes swim in the ocean and playing with the agressive waves!