earth diet, the earth diet, lose weight, health, healthy, fitness, liana werner-gray, energy, weight loss, inner strength, blog
Thoughts: Is this you?
"Carrying excess weight is a way for us to retire from life for a while. Dropping the weight will also entail a return to life! It is about so much more than just dropping the weight. It is about love. Loving yourself and your fellow-humans." - From The 21 Day Spring Cleanse Program
Be aware that most of the media is controlled by just a few. Use discernment! Look for the hidden agendas. Why is this information being presented to you? What is "their" real agenda? Is it a case of problem-reaction-solution? Do "they" create a problem so that "we" react and ask for a fix,

then "they" offer their solution? The "solution is what "they" really wanted in the first place. However, who you truly are is in fact much greater than what you have so far exhibited in this lifetime. You are all physical Angels of superhuman abilities and intelligence, having the capacity for immortality. Presently, you pass through an aging process plagued by many degenerative diseases and, due to your belief in innumerable limitations; you face a severely reduced degree of success in your chosen endeavors.
Humanity is in the midst of an unprecedented shift of energy, vibration, and consciousness. Planetary and celestial events are causing the frequency of vibration to be greatly accelerated within every atomic and subatomic particle and wave of Life on Earth. This shift of vibration is tangibly affecting every man, woman, and child at a cellular level. Even if people do not understand exactly what is happening to them, everyone seems to be aware that something very unusual is taking place in their physical bodies, their emotions, and their thinking processes.
People around the world are experiencing all kinds of unusual things due to this accelerated vibration. Millions of people feel like they are in a blender or riding an emotional roller coaster as they go about their daily activities. People are having dramatic mood swings, which are very out of character from their usual behavior patterns. Other people are having abnormal bouts with fear, anxiety, stress, and even panic attacks. I know there are a lot of stressful things taking place in people's lives due to the collapse of the economy, the housing debacle, and the loss of jobs, et cetera, but at some level, this phenomenon is happening to everyone regardless of whether or not they are personally affected by outer-world circumstances.
People are experiencing all kinds of unusual physical symptoms, which they have not suffered in the past. Many are having headaches for the first time or painful back problems. Others may not be able to focus their thoughts or their short-term memory may seem to be failing. People are experiencing unexplained flu-like symptoms, allergies, excessive fatigue, sleepiness or insomnia, joint and muscle pain, digestive problems, dizziness or lightheadedness, and every other physical, mental, and emotional malady under the Sun. There are a few very easy things we can do in addition to using the tools and techniques that have been given to us. We can raise our vibrations by eating more organic raw fruits and vegetables and by drinking pure water. We can also raise our vibrations by using less chemicals on and in our bodies, listening to uplifting music, thinking positive thoughts, walking in nature, relaxing in water, reading inspirational books, playing, loving, laughing, and anything else that opens our hearts and fills us with joy.
Challenges: Remembering who I am ;)
Triumphs: Day 200!!! 200 days of eating only foods naturally provided by the earth. I have not had any chocolate, lollies (candy), chips, takeaways, soft drinks (sodas) or processed foods for 200 days!!! wooo wooo! Haha and think back to 1000 years ago - the humans that occupied the earth then ONLY had natural whole foods!
What I Ate Today:
Breakfast: Grapefruit juice! 5 grapefruits - surprising filling and satisfying. I wrote a blog yesterday about grapefruits.
Lunch: The yummiest salad I have ever had to date! Ingredients: Mixed lettuce greens, kale, grated carrot, grated beetroot (beet), sliced avocado with a dressing made from olive oil, lemon, and fresh herbs, thyme, rosemary and dill! Oh yum!
A colourful salad!
The salad topping: Olive oil, lemon, water, dill, thyme and rosemary!
Dinner: Salsa wraps! Blended tomato, coriander, spring onion, olive oil, lemon, salt, cayene pepper, wrapped in kale with avocado! Oh yum! This is definitely not a challenging detox. Instead of feeling tired, depleted and malnutritioned I feel replenished and fulfilled, like I am absorbing love and nutrients every time I eat and nothing less.
Dessert: A BIG bowl of cherries!
Snacks: Pieces of grapefruit.
Recipe: Recipe for the colourful salad and salsa wraps will either by in the earth diet book published in November or The Garden
Exercise: I exercised my body today by riding my bike to the store to buy water, I danced for 20 minutes to my favourite music and then went for a walk around the block - I took notice of the big beautiful trees that there are around here. And then I was craving some sweet so I rode my bike to the store to buy cherries!