earth diet, the earth diet, lose weight, health, healthy, fitness, liana werner-gray, energy, weight loss, inner strength, blog
Thoughts: It's great to know whats out there in the world in the way of health. And there is no 1 "right" diet,

there is no one right or wrong way, it's what works for you. What works for me is this Earth Diet challenge. I have peace of mind and my body feels stronger, leaner, cleanier and my body has less chemicals so I am experiencing peace and clarity! My friend Steve Rose sent me a link regarding a diet that he has been following for the last 8 months and he said "I have never felt so good, ever! It's basically about food ratios and as long as you eat the correct proportions (organic) then you will never suffer from bloatedness, fatigue etc..."
In the 1930's, dentist Weston Price began expeditions around the world and uncovered the link between modern eating habits and chronic degenerative diseases. He also discovered that there was no one diet that would be healthy for all people -- there was too much variation in climate, local produce, environmental conditions, heredity, genetics, culture.
Some people are fast oxidizers, because they rapidly convert food into energy. In order to balance their systems, fast oxidizers need to eat heavier proteins and fats to that burn slowly. In contrast, slow oxidizers convert food into energy at a slow rate. In order to balance their systems, it's recommended that they eat mainly carbohydrates rather than protein and fat.
How you can find out your metabolic type?In the book The Metabolic Typing Diet, researcher William Wolcott offers a simple home self-test for identifying your metabolic type. For an accurate diagnosis, a trained health practitioner can provide a thorough assessment that may include urine and blood tests. Wolcott provides three general metabolic types:
Protein types -- Protein types are fast oxidizers of parasympathetic dominant. They tend to be frequently hungry, crave fatty, salty foods, fail with low-calorie diets, and tend towards fatigue, anxiety, and nervousness. They are often lethargic or feel "wired", "on edge", with superficial energy while being tired underneath.
Carbo types -- Carbo types are slow oxidizers or sympathetic dominant. They generally have relatively weak appetites, a high tolerance for sweets, problems with weight management, "type A" personalities, and are often dependent on caffeine.
Mixed types -- Mixed types are neither fast or slow oxidizers, and are neither parasympathetic or sympathetic dominant. They generally have average appetites, cravings for sweets and starchy foods, relatively little trouble with weight control, and tend towards fatigue, anxiety, and nervousness.
What are the guidelines for the diet?According to the metabolic typing diet, the three metabolic types should eat the following foods:
Protein types should eat diets that are rich in protein, fats and oils, and high-purine proteins such as organ meats, pate, beef liver, chicken liver, and beef. Carbohydrate intake should be low.
Carbo types should eat diets that are high in carbohydrates and low in protein, fats, and oils. They should eat light, low-purine proteins.
Mixed types should eat a mixture of high-fat, high-purine proteins and low-fat, low-purine proteins such as cheese, eggs, yogurt, tofu, nuts. This type requires relatively equal ratios of proteins, fats, and carbohydrates.
For more information
Challenges: Today I went to the organic store and they confirmed what I had heard, that the Lucas Paw Paw cream actually has hidden chemicals! Ahhh! It makes me sad to know that there are chemicals in products labelled "organic". I have used Paw Paw for years not knowing it contained Petroleum. Petroleum based chemicals are being found to cause significant attritional effects to the nervous system and immune system after prolonged exposure. Illnesses identified in the medical research include adult and child cancers, numerous neurological disorders, immune system weakening, autoimmune disorders, asthma, allergies, infertility, miscarriage, and child behavior disorders including learning disabilities, mental retardation, hyperactivity and ADD (attention deficit disorders). Vasoline is a product that uses petroleum. And the frightening thing is that it is used on babies all the time because we have "learnt" that it is good for us, and for babies.
So I found a no hidden chemical paw paw for those paw paw lovers...its called Paw Paw Salve. You can't get it from the chemists (most products from the chemists have nasty chemicals in them) so get it from your ogranic shop.
Paw Paw cream is fermented Paw Paw fruit and is used for Abscesses, Boils, Bruises, Burns, Carbuncles, Chafings, Cuts, Cysts, Dry and Cracked skin on hands and feet, Gravel rash, Heat rash, Insect stings, Mosquito bites, Open wounds, Pimples, Scalds Sunburn, Swelling associated with injury, Splinters and thorns, Tinea, Whitlow, Nappy Rash and Cracked Nipples, Temporary relief of the symptoms of dermatitis and eczema, Temporary relief of the discomfort of haemorrhoids by local application.
Triumphs: Discovering a no hidden chemical Paw Paw cream! Its called Paw Paw Salve and it's in a yellow tube.
What I Ate Today:
Breakfast: 2 boiled eggs
Lunch: goji berries and chocolate balls!
Dinner: chocolate balls! Oopsie! I wasn't well prepared. Although I'm not complaining, chocolate balls for dinner is oh so fine with me and they kept my body energized until 1 am!
Dessert: no dessert
Snacks: no snacks
Cost: cocoa powder $10, agave syrup $8, almonds raw $2, almond meal $2. Total =$20 and this will make you a lot of chocolate balls! And you can freeze them and eat them on hot days when you want a healthy energizing snack! mmmm!
Recipe: Chocolate Ball recipe on Blog Day 27
Exercise: 334 days to go!