Dental Health and Children– Preventive Measures for Cure
Dental health cannot be considered separate from the rest of children's health as the mouth cannot be separated from the rest of the body. Dental health includes all the digestive, respiratory, sensory, structural and emotional functions of the mouth, the teeth and associated facial structures.
Children are our living angels. They are generally very sweet to look at. We become very affectionate when we see a child. Our childlike behavior arouses in our heart. We speak to them in such a style and voice that we become a child for that moment. But,

we become very sad when we see that the teeth of our children are spoilt or damage. Our careful measures can help to save our dear children’s teeth from damage. For this we must have a little bit knowledge about dental dentistry. What we must know to take care of our children’s dental health is how they are affect. Mostly, teeth are damaged due to bad eating habit, lack of cleanliness and sometimes accident also as dentist opines. Our children mostly like chocolate, ice-cream, fizzy drink and fast food. These food items are very much detrimental for dental health. Due to getting these habits their teeth are exposed to various diseases. The most common diseases for them are- Cavity, teeth erosion, gum disease. Chocolate and ice-cream contain sugary elements. These elements are responsible for tooth decay. The chemicals in sugary elements are also responsible for teeth erosion.Cavity is the most common disease to the children, especially to the milk teeth. They are not aware of the taking care of their teeth. They do not know the proper way of brushing until they are taught. The food particles trapped between their teeth get rotten because they are not cleaned properly. The food particles create pit when rotten. As a result, a black pit increases and huge damage occurs. As the children do not brush their teeth properly, plaque grows on the wall of the teeth. The plaque turns into tartar if it remains untreated. Eventfully, it takes the shape of calculus and gives you the final alarm of consulting a general dentist for treatment. Teeth erosion is a great problem to the children. Orlando family dentist says that due to fizzy or soft drink, fruits having acid causes teeth erosion. After drink those drinks and fruits their teeth get exposed to erosion called teeth erosion. Sometimes, they declined a great extent to vanish to the gum. When the teeth vanished to the gum, it creates a great problem to rise of the permanent teeth and sometime acute pain is seen to appear. When the children gum is affected because of slight brush hit, or erosion of enamel they age affected of sensitivity of teeth. And their gum is also affected. According to Family dentistry at Orlando, the swollen gum is a common feature of gum diseases. It is because of root damage, and cold of ice-cream. All of the problems mentions above are curable. But here in this writing we’ll not speak of treatment rather we’ll discuss about the preventive measures that are preferred by the dental specialists and regarded as the way to save your time and money and our worries about the children’s teeth hence their better living. The dental specialist from Orlando family dentistry suggests that we should do the following things as preventive measures.*Keep their teeth clean at any cost.*Help them to grow proper brushing habit*Do not allow them to take detrimental drink*Consult our doctor regularly.