Dental Implants For Secure New Teeth
There are a lot of instances where you would need dental implants. All those instances have the same thing in common – you've lost a tooth or teeth and you need them replaced for a complete smile. These artificial roots will securely hold into place a replacement tooth so you can get back to smiling with confidence.
Loosing teeth is an awful experience. Whether you've broken a tooth eating or experienced a horrible accident where your mouth was severely damaged,

it's a very personal thing to take care of. In an age where there is a lot of cultural emphasis on a beautiful smile, it's one thing to not have the whitest teeth – but a missing tooth? It's a social stigma! You probably feel embarrassed, as if you did something wrong. Things happen: sometimes it's an accident, or perhaps it's age, and your body just isn't as able to maintain itself and retain all of your teeth. Maybe you weren't the greatest at taking care of your teeth growing up, and now you are suffering consequences. There are also people with genetic disorders or just genetic anomalies that make it difficult to stay on top of keeping a healthy mouth. Whatever the case, you want your smile back. You want to fix that missing tooth and replace it.
A part of replacement isn't just the tooth – it's also the root system. Even if you haven't had damage to the original root system, it will not take to a synthetic tooth like your natural teeth. Now that your own tooth has been compromised a new root will need to hold the replacement in place. And that's just what dental implants are.
Dental implants are artificial roots that hold a new replacement tooth in your mouth. There are several different kinds of shapes, sizes, and materials that implants are made from. Your doctor may have options for you, or he or she may have to use a specific kind of artificial root that is most appropriate for the replacement tooth depending on what tooth it is replacing or what would work best in your mouth structure.
There are several reasons why one might need dental implants. You might have led a lifetime of not taking care of your teeth and are now experiencing severe tooth decay or gum disease. If the root of your tooth has been compromised by this lack of dental maintenance, chances are your teeth may fall out or be loose. You might have experienced a trauma to the mouth. If you've been in an accident whether it's in a car, on a bike, a bad fall, or other instance where you have hit and hurt your mouth, you'll need an implant or several implants in order to restore your smile. If you've lost several teeth as a result of an accident, your dental surgeon will make sure to help get your smile back in order as you recover from other injuries from the accident.
Some dentists offer temporary bridges to help get you through the whole process. It can take time to fashion new teeth and get the right combination of implants to properly restore your mouth. See if your doctor provides this service.