Dentist: Know How to Find a Reputable One
If you are ready to switch dentists, or perhaps need to find one in a new area, you can do so for free with a little research. It is best to ask your friends and family members for their recommendations, and also check with your insurance company.
If you are in the market for a new dentist,

you might be wondering where to turn. Most people do not really like getting dental work but it is necessary, and you should be able to find a practitioner that does not make you dread it too much. To find a good one, consider some of the following tips.
Think about the people in your life whose smile or teeth you admire. If a few friends or family members in particular have white, straight teeth that just look healthy, it might have something to do with their dentist. Ask them which one they use if they live near you, and inquire about whether they would recommend him or her. Most people are eager to give good recommendations when they are deserved.
Even if you cannot think of anyone in particular that has very healthy teeth, you probably still know someone who has a great dentist that they are happy with. Let people near you know you are looking for a new practitioner. You should also pay attention to those who complain about their own dental experiences, since you need to know who to avoid, as well.
If you are going through insurance for your dental work, you should check their provider list. Most insurance companies feature this online, allowing you to get a quick look at who is covered under your plan. This will save you from going to anyone who is out of your network, which would obviously cost you a lot of money. Once you get a look at the list, pick the ones closest to you who accepting new patients. Then peruse that shortened list to see if any of the dentists who have been recommended to you by friends are on it, because if so, now you know how to reach a great dentist that is covered by your insurance policy.
You do not have to love going to the dentist, but a great one can make you not dread it as much as usual. If you know the experience and results will be good in the end, you will be much more eager than usual to make your appointments. Finding a great practitioner can do this for you, and it is often as easy as using the resources you already have for free. In this case, your best resources are your friends, family, and insurance provider's website.