Dentist Office: Kids in the Waiting Room
It is not always easy to make it to the dentist office with the kids in tow. There are ways to make the experience a little easier for you and your little ones.
Sometimes plans fall through and the kids come along to the dentist office. Sometimes,
they have a short time to wait before their appointment begins. In either situation, kids are going to get restless and struggle to sit still for an extended amount of time. Here are a few tips for making sure that the kids get through and possibly enjoy their time in the waiting room. Make the Expectations Clear Many times miscommunication plays a large role in problems at the dentist office waiting room. Kids, especially younger ones, may not understand what is and is not allowed while waiting for an appointment. Have a conversation before going inside to make sure that everyone is on the same page. Older children should be able to clearly understand the directions. If younger children have a harder time with the concept, consider bringing them more activities. This ensures that they are engaged in something the entire time, giving them less time to become a problem Age Appropriate Make sure that each child brings along something age appropriate to the dentist office. For some children, a simple coloring book and crayons will be enough to keep them busy during the wait. Older children may want to bring along an activity book or a regular book to read. In either case, a child needs something that will occupy his or her attention for a majority of the wait time. Bring a Backup Source of Entertainment If things run slow in the dentist office, there is a chance that kids will get tired of their activity and become bored. When this happens, problems with discipline and disruption are sure to follow. Be prepared with something else. You can tuck it inside a bag or purse and when things start to go awry, bring it out and there is a chance that it will buy you some extra time. A Note About Handheld Gaming Systems and Other Electronic Devices Tablets, smart phones and handheld gaming systems are often the perfect solution for the wait in the dentist office. They keep kids occupied and tend to maintain their attention. In order to get the most out of these products, consider limiting their use in the days, if not hours before the appointment. There is much better chance that they will play without boredom. Bring along a set of headphones to make sure that games and activities do not disturb the other people in the waiting room. If there is only one device that needs to be shared among a few kids, keep track of the time. This can prevent arguments and fights between the kids.