Dentist Restoration Services
This article is about dentist restoration services. It explains the more common treatments and procedures that are offered.
A dentist has the capacity to do a variety of procedures that restore both function and form of the oral cavity. Many of the treatments can be done as outpatient techniques while others require the individual to stay at the hospital for recovery. A common restorative procedure is the filling of dental caries. There are two techniques used when there are cavities or holes,

the direct and indirect methods. It is important to fill these holes up because leaving them as is can lead to toothache and, eventually, the loss of the tooth. The preparation of the restorative process involves cleaning up the dentin and the enamel as well as making the hole just the right size for the filling. The cleanup and preparation of the holes may take longer than the actual fill up procedure.
In the direct method, a dental composite or compound is mixed by the dentist to create the material that will be used to fill up the hole that is present in the tooth. Not all damaged teeth are suitable for this technique. The enamel and the dentin must be cleaned up and prepared in such a way that it has a surface that can easily bond with the composite or compound. The malleable substance is placed inside in a thorough fashion so that it fills up the entire space. There should be no niches left inside because these can become breeding grounds for bacteria and may compromise the stability of the tooth. This means the dental professional should push the material in properly. Once the practitioner is satisfied with the placement and contours of the composite, a special light is applied to it to cure it and enable the patient to use the tooth in just a few hours.
The indirect technique includes the use several man made dental appliances including, but not limited to, inlays, onlays, veneers, bridges and crowns. These are usually made outside of the patient's oral cavity and then placed there when the dentist is satisfied with the recreation. Only the composite or compound veneer can be placed directly unto the tooth if the said pearly white is deemed suitable for such a method. The other techniques need to be made at a dental lab according to the corresponding measurements that were taken from the patient's actual oral cavity and bite.
Removable dentures can also be considered as an indirect method of restoring the form and function of the oral cavity. These need to be manufactured based on the measurements taken from the bite and oral cavity of the patient. Many older individuals opt for these because they can be easier to maintain at their age and more comfortable. Bridges and crowns are usually made when the individual is younger with fewer teeth to replace. Implants are also an option for indirect techniques but it may be more expensive than the others.
These are most of the methods that a dentist might use to restore form and function to the patient's oral cavity.