Dentists Confirm Need for Fluoride with Study of Wales
The country of Wales suffers from subpar dental health, due in part to its lack of fluoride in the water. The fact that few residents see dentists regularly does not help, though. Find out the importance of these two factors to keep your teeth healthy.
It has been found that residents of Wales are more likely than those in most other countries to lack good dental health. This is likely due to low amounts of fluoride in their drinking water,

as this item is known for reducing tooth decay. Find out a little more about this issue so that you have an idea of how fluoride may improve dental health in general.
Studies have shown that about ten percent of people in Wales are missing their teeth. This is a higher percentage than England, which is known for its lower than average dental health due to the number of toothless residents. The most likely culprit is a lack of sufficient fluoride in the water. It has been found that areas with a good amount of this mineral have better dental health than those without any. Of course, note that excessive fluoride levels can actually harm the teeth, especially in babies, so not all places with lots of this ingredient are considered above average for dental health. As with anything else, moderation of this common naturally occurring resource is key.
This mineral can prevent tooth decay over time, which is why many products that treat the teeth include it. For example, many kinds of toothpaste on the market boast this ingredient to help keep the teeth healthy. Dentists can also offer this mineral in treatments that are available in their office, but usually only if the adult is shown to not have enough of this product in their daily routine. Of course, one of the main sources of this ingredient is water, but Wales does not fluoridate their supply, though they apparently plan to after the studies that were released. Most people also get some of this mineral from food, but the problem is that it tends to be lost when the acid from plaque attacks the mouth, which is exactly what this item is trying to avoid. Thus, people need to add it back into their mouth constantly in order to protect each tooth from the damage done by plaque.
While fluoride is surely important for the health of the mouth it is not the only factor keeping those in Wales from having good tooth health. Many do not have access to dentists, which means that they do not have regular appointments, let alone treatment for emergencies that may come up with their teeth. This means that not only does decay pop up due to a low amount of minerals in the water, but people also cannot see dentists for an occasional cleaning, extraction, or filling. It is no wonder, then, that many residents there suffer from tooth issues.
Though the country's plan to fluoridate the water is a positive step, it is good to remember the importance of dentists when it comes to keeping every tooth healthy. No amount of minerals can make up for a lack of care from professionals. Thus, make sure that you get enough of this mineral while also keeping up regular appointments with your dentist.