Dentists Do More than Drill

Oct 30


Andrew Stratton

Andrew Stratton

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Dentists are much more than wielders of sharp, gum-poking objects. They can help you achieve a sparkling, bright smile with a variety of not-so-torturous treatments.

Most dentists are used to sporadic visits from clients,Dentists Do More than Drill Articles fibs about flossing frequency, and tightly clenched fists. They don’t have an easy profession, and their reputation for inducing pain and all other manners of unpleasantness has made many people fearful to visit dentists let alone actually discuss their oral health and how to improve their smile. Rather than run from dentists, it is important to embrace regular cleanings, checkups, and take advantage of the new technology and advanced cosmetic techniques that allow everyone to have a million dollar smile without the movie star salary. Here are some topics that you should consider bringing up to your dentist on your next visit (if you manage to keep your appointment).

Teeth Whitening
Most people have resorted to the over-the-counter whitening pastes and bleaching products that are available at most supermarkets. While these are often helpful at making your teeth a couple of shades whiter, people with very dark stains that have formed from smoking, coffee, or for other reasons may find that professional whitening is much more successful and worthwhile. There are a few different methods of teeth whitening available now, each with their own pros and cons. Some dentists offer several varieties while others specialize or prefer certain types.

Invisible Braces
You’re not too old to achieve a nice, straight smile without having to resort to dentures. Invisible braces are suitable for many people and can be taken off during the day. They are plastic plates that are molded to the individual. Every few weeks the plates are exchanged for a new one, gradually pushing teeth together an d creating an even smile. They are much more comfortable than traditional metal braces and are a much more realistic option for adults. Many dentists offer this product now.

Veneers and Implants
If your teeth are extremely damaged you may consider getting veneers or implants. Veneers are placed over existing teeth that have been grinded down, while implants will require complete tooth extraction. If you are only having a few done, dentists can match the color to your existing teeth and make them appear quite natural. Having a full set done can be extremely expensive, which is why you may want to consider other options first.

Gummy Smile Correction
Have too much gum and not enough teeth? Many people find their smiles aesthetically displeasing because they have an excessive amount of gum tissue visible. Dentists can help solve the problem through a variety of methods. Sometimes correcting teeth alignment with braces will help diminish a gummy smile. However, dentists also use lasers and gum reshaping to create a more appealing smile.

So the next time you think of cancelling your dental appointment, remember that dentists perform a variety of helpful duties to help you maintain your oral health as well as a sparkling smile. The more often you visit, the less likely you are to have serious problems or develop gum disease or other painful disorders, and you’ll stay smiling for longer.