Dentists would be happier if their patients would stop doing 7 things. Here are some things to think about.
If dentists had their ways,

they would have all of their patients stop doing these 7 dentistry blunders. Your dentist is a well trained oral health care practitioner. He or she studied long and hard in order to be qualified and certified to care for teeth, gums and mouths. After four years of undergraduate university studies, this doc had to apply to, be admitted to and complete a rigorous dental college program. He or she has studied anatomy, physiology, chemistry, mathematics and had lots of hands-on practice experience working with patients in the school clinics. When they finally get to put the DDS behind their name, they are ready to take on the oral health care needs of the world. They only want the best for their patients. If everyone would stop doing these 7 things, they’d be happy campers, indeed:
1) Forgetting to floss: Flossing is at least or even more important than brushing those pearly whites. Food gets caught between and behind all the crevices and causes decay if it’s not removed on a regular basis.
2) Forgetting to brush: Brushing after every meal or snack is the best idea. Morning and night are the bare minimum timeframes for this important task.
3) Keeping the same toothbrush forever: Okay, it’s good to be frugal, but keeping that old toothbrush for eons is a bad idea. After a couple of months, the bristles wear out and the thing may begin to grow bacteria. Toss it every couple of months and get a brand new one. Your choppers are worth it.
4) Drink too much soda pop: Soda pop is quite popular in our modern society. Gigantic plastic mega-gulps are available for less than a dollar at the local convenience mart. This beverage is positively addictive and horrendous for your teeth. Sipping that sweet soda for hours just coats, stains, corrodes your enamel. Let’s face it; the beverage causes cavities. Not only that, it is one major reason for the overweight rampant in our society. Drink water instead and your teeth will thank you.
5) Snack throughout the day without brushing: If a person is going to snack, they need to clean their choppers more frequently.
6) Forget to come for regular cleanings: It is advised to have the dental hygienist clean those teeth every six months. This bit of maintenance will keep the plaque away and give the professionals a chance to nip any developing trouble in the bud.
7) Procrastinate about dental care: Taking good care of oral health is about more than just the teeth. Bodily ills become worse due to dental decay. Heart disease, clogged arteries, premature birth, diabetes complications, and more are directly linked with shoddy oral health care practices and neglect.
Dentists care about their patients and about the oral health care needs of the world. If everyone would just heed these 7 tidbits of advice, the world would be a better place. Listen to the advice of experts in the field of dentistry.