Dermoid cysts occur when skin and skin structures become trapped during fetal development. Symptoms may include a small, often painless, lump in the mid-line of the neck (in which the skin over the lump can easily be moved). Dermoid cysct of the ovary, dermoid sist of the ovary.
Dermoid cysts are non-cancerous tumours that may occur anywhere in the body. A dermoid cyst develops from a totipotential germ cell (a primary oocyte) that is retained within the egg sac (ovary). Dermoid cysts may occur at any age but the prime age of detection is in the childbearing years. Dermoid cysts can range in size from a centimeter (less than a half inch) up to 45 cm (about 17 inches) in diameter. Dermoid cysts in the skin occur mostly on the face (outer eyebrow, eyelid, upper nose), neck, or scalp. They are usually firm dough-like lumps that range in size from 0.5 to 6 cm in diameter. Dermoid cysts can also appear in young children, often near the lateral aspect of the eyebrow.
Dermoid cysts of the ovary are also called simply dermoids or ovarian teratomas. Dermoid cysts can recur if not completely excised. Dermoid cysts of the ovary or omentum are restricted, that is, they occur only in the female population. Dermoid cysts occur because of a defect during skin tissue development in the embryonic stage. Dermoid cysts occur when skin and skin structures become trapped during fetal development.
Dermoid cysts in the ovary or those disseminated intra-abdominally may contain other structures such as nails, hairs, or cartilage and bone fragments. Dermoid cysts are usually removed surgically by excision biopsy. Marsupialization, a surgical technique often used to treat pilonidal cyst, is inappropriate for dermoid cyst due to the risk of malignancy. Cysts and cystic tumours of the ovary may be difficult to treat and require special surgical techniques to remove the lesion and prevent possible complications. Sophisticated neurosurgical or gynecologic surgical techniques are often needed to remove the lesion and prevent possible complications. Do not go swimming or soak the area where the cyst was removed. Do not bump or overuse the area where the cyst was removed.
Dermoid cyst - Prevention and Treatment Tips
1. Marsupialization, a surgical technique often used to treat pilonidal cyst.
2. Sophisticated neurosurgical or gynecologic surgical techniques are often needed to remove the lesion.
3. Do not go swimming or soak the area where the cyst was removed.
4. Do not bump or overuse the area where the cyst was removed.
5. Torsion (twisting) of the ovary by the cyst is an emergency and calls for urgent surgery.
6. Dermoid cyst is surgical complete removal.
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