Developing a Dementia Treatment Plan for a Loved One
A dementia treatment plan can help you and your loved one deal with the symptoms of dementia and may even help slow down the progress.
Dementia is not always a precondition to Alzheimer's or even a permanent condition. Some people who experience the symptoms of dementia can actually be experiencing mild cognitive impairment which is the middle ground between full blown dementia and having one too many senior moments. Patients who get diagnosed with cognitive impairment either get better on their own or with treatment,

remained in that same stabilized zone for years neither getting better or worse or they do progress to Alzheimer's and full-blown dementia.
For people experiencing dementia a full medical exam is the first thing that should be done in order to rule out any other medical conditions or even medication interactions that can be causing the symptoms of dementia. There are other root causes that can mimic the same symptoms that dementia including depression, brain tumors and even bipolar.
Dementia treatment will generally include developing a plan for everyday living to help the patient remained as independent as possible for as long as possible and you will also generally include educating those that are involved in the lives of the patient so they fully understand what to expect and how to respond effectively.
Dementia can be scary to witness because it takes away the memory and personality of the person who is experiencing it. People with dementia can display the symptoms of depression and withdrawal from their family friends and social activities. They can also experience wide mood swings which can include becoming paranoid and angry or extremely sad for no discernible reason. This can be just as hard for the person experiencing it as it is for those who are involved in the care of their loved one.
Although there is no known cure for dementia, a dementia treatment plan can help by making it more manageable and sometimes even slow down the symptoms. A treatment plan will likely include some medication management to treat the side effects of dementia such as depression and anxiety as well as goal planning and education.
Part of a successful dementia treatment program will include looking at short-term and long-term goals of the patient and their family. Patients who are diagnosed with dementia may be able to remain independent for months or even years, but it's important to start making plans in anticipation of a time when the patient can no longer participate in expressing what they want to see happen but there care.
Studies have shown that patients who are physically active and socially stimulated are better able to fight off the progressive symptoms of dementia for a longer period of time, so it's important that if your loved one has been diagnosed with dementia part of their treatment program includes physical activities as well as social interactions.
Until there is a cure for dementia, treatment plans are the best way to help your loved one have the best quality of life possible for as long as possible.