Treatment of ED. Mechanical devices that can treat ED
When all else fails, men may need to resort to mechanical devices or surgery to help them correct their erectile dysfunction issues. If medications have failed or if getting treated for the underlying physical or psychology issues causing ED have not produced any results, you may want to investigate other options for helping you to regain the ability to have an erection and once again enjoy intimacy with your partner. Mechanical devices that can treat ED include:
Many external splints and devices have been introduced over the years to try and help with ED, but there haven't been any that have been used successfully. Man found it difficult to perform when using them and their partners were not crazy about them either.
Vacuum Constriction DevicesThe device works by placing the penis into an acrylic cylinder and using a lubricant to provide a good seal between the cylinder and the penis. Vacuum is than applied to the cylinder, helping to create an erection. The erection is achieved by pulling blood down to the penis using the vacuum seal and once an erection has been created, constriction bands are used to keep the penis erect. Men who have used these devices have reported that they are successful and about 50 to 60% of men use them on a regular basis to help achieve arousal. Some of the complaints about these devices are that the penis isn't complete erect and that repeated use is required for prolonged sexual activity. However, unlike drugs, these devices have few side effects and repeated use doesn't cost any additional money. Penile ImplantsSome men require a surgical implantation of a device to help them achieve an erection. These penile implants are usually a last resort treatment for ED because they can cause damage to the muscle and tissues surrounding the penis and erection is rarely achieved spontaneously. There are two types of penile implants, inflatable devices and semi rigid implants.Semi rigid implants are made of silicone and when an erection is achieved, the device is pushed out onto the penis and then later partially retracts. Men who get this device have trouble using their hands to help pump a device and these devices can be noticeable. Inflatable devices are inserted into the penis and consist of two cylinders. One holds fluid to inflate the device and a micro pump goes into the scrotum.
Other information about the men's problems and preparations for potency, including Viagra Generic, you can read here. Good health