Diabetes is a disease that complicates the other aspects of life. So to ensure good oral dental care during diabetes an individual must take care as a careless approach will complicate the things.
Diabetes is one such disease that affects the dental health adversely. People who have diabetes are more prone to various dental problems as poorly managed blood sugar levels are a big trouble to the patients. Diabetes can give rise to various periodontal and other diseases:
Excessive glucose in saliva serves as a medium for bacteria and increase of plaque formation.
People with diabetes often lose collagen in the gum tissue, which hastens periodontal diseases. Collagen is a protein that supports the gums, skin, tendons, cartilage and bone.
Thickening of blood vessel walls is a common effect aspect of diabetes. This can delay blood from bringing oxygen and nutrients to body tissues and removing waste products of the cells.
People who are having diabetes take long time to heal from the dental surgeries as the blood flow to the various sites is impaired.
Most of the people with diabetes are taking a lot of antibiotics and therefore they have a high risk of getting prone to the fungal infections of the mouth and tongue.
Some of the dental care tips for the diabetes patients are:
1) Patients must try to keep their glucose levels close to normal.
2) They must follow good oral practices to ensure good dental health as diabetes is a way to many other dental problems.
3) On making a visit to the dentist, diabetes patient must tell the dentist about the current state of diabetes so that they can help them better.
4) On taking any dental treatments, dental patients with diabetes must follow the instruction of their dentists carefully for better and early healing.
5) Before any dental treatment for diabetes is taken, patients are recommended to consult their diabetes physicians as this will enable them to know whether they are fit for dental treatment.
6) High glucose levels also lead to increase in cavities.
7) Since diabetes patients are advised to take small meals and that too a number of times, so chances of developing veracious dental disease increase.
8) Plaque formation can be prevented by flossing daily.
9) One must visit the dentist once in every 6 months.
10) It is advisable especially for diabetes patients to brush their teeth after every meal as it will decrease the risk of dental decay and other disease.
11) Generally people with diabetes are found to have sensitive teeth so they are advised to use tooth brush with soft bristles as their gums are really soft.
12) Fluoride containing toothpaste can help to retain teeth longer for diabetes specially the ones recommended by the dentists.
13) It is advisable that any dental treatment that is not an emergency must be postponed in case the blood glucose levels are uncontrolled as it will be risky taking dental treatments during such situations.
14) Removable dentures are always advised to be cleaned and brushed. They are advised to be stored in good disinfectants and must be removed during night.
Take such information to maintain good health.
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