Some experts advise on the use of herbs as dietary supplements. Also, omega-3 fatty acids that come from fish are helpful in reducing certain levels of triglycerides in the blood. One of the diabetic coma natural treatments is through the supplementation of EPA and DHA in the diet. Test on animals with diabetes have shown promising results.
Diabetes is a condition that can afflict men, women, and children all around the world. Diabetes is characterized by the body’s insufficient insulin supply, as produced by the organ called the pancreas. Insulin is very important in order for cells to metabolize glucose, which comes from the food taken in. When glucose is metabolized, it is turned in to energy, which powers the cells and the body.
People with diabetes are not able to produce enough insulin in the body, so glucose remains in excess in the blood. This can lead to a condition called hyperglycemia, the excess of glucose in the blood. This glucose can spill over into the urine, as the kidneys are unable to filter them well enough. This can lead to other more serious health complications, including diabetic coma and possibly death.
Some sources explain that the potential for having a diabetic coma may be detected and even prevented. Prior to the diagnosis, a diabetic patient may be urinating more frequently and excessively. This occurrence can lead to dehydration, which will further aggravate the possibility of going into a coma. Aside from urination, the patient may be thirsty all the time, and may also be very nauseous.
It is advised that water should be given to the patient, and a doctor must be consulted to determine what the causes of such complications are. In some cases, the doctor might recommend providing insulin to lower blood sugar levels, or some other form of treatment if insulin is already in excess in the body. Fluids administered intravenously may also prevent the patient from getting dehydrated and falling into diabetic coma.
There are sites that provide information and tips on diabetic coma natural treatment options. Some of these experts advise on the use of herbs as dietary supplements. Also, omega-3 fatty acids that come from fish are helpful in reducing certain levels of triglycerides in the blood.
A diabetic coma natural treatment can also be found in food sources such as broccoli, Brewer’s yeast, spinach, as well as meat sources like liver, kidney, and heart. These dietary sources are said to be rich in Alpha Lipoic Acid, which is an antioxidant that has shown to be effective in preventing nerve damage caused by diabetes. It is suggested that about one to two capsules of Alpha Lipoic Acid containing about 50mg is advisable to take on a daily basis for diabetic patients.
Another diabetic coma natural treatment is through the supplementation of EPA and DHA in the diet. As said before, these omega-3 fatty acids (docosahexenoic acid and eicosapentenoic acid) have been tested in animals with diabetes, and have shown promising results. These essential fatty acids are not created by the body, so humans need to obtain them from foods such as fish. Fish species that are rich in omega-3 fatty acids are herring, halibut, salmon, mackerel, albacore tuna, and sardines. If fish cannot be consumed regularly, nutritionists may advise their patients to take 1 to 5 grams of fish oil supplement everyday.
Knowing and Taking Care of Fish Oil Overdose
Although fish oil benefits are many, but we need to watch out for overdose and take only recommended amounts of fish oil as advised by family physician. Fish oil overdose can cause some minor irritation and problems (eg. Diarrhoea, Flatoulence, Fishy aftertaste in the mouth) to the individual though it is rare and the effects are not quite severe.How Can Fish Oil Lower Cholesterol?
Health agencies acknowledge that fish oil lower cholesterol to acceptable levels . Fish oil is closely related to good cholesterol. Fish oil lowers the cholesterol level in the body specifically the elevated triglyceride levels that are very harmful to anyone’s health condition. Having ample amounts of fish oil in your diet can also reduce the levels of triglyceride in your bloodstream, thus further settling the delicate balance between the levels of HDL and LDL in your body to reduce the risk of cardiovascular complications.Pharmaceutical Grade Fish Oil - Purity Omegaberry Fish Oil
Made of the finest ingredients, the Omegaberry Fish Oil is the rich antioxidant which features a 20 mg. blend of Billberry, Strawberry, Blueberry, Blackberry, and Cranberry. Omegaberry is procured after the “finest, freshest, and purest Omega-3 Oils. An additional feature of Omegaberry is that these Fish Oils are pharmaceutical grade fish oil; they are “molecularly distilled, where impurities and contaminants from the Fish Oil are removed and making it of high purity.”