If If you are over 55-60 it's can safe your life ! What do you know about Prostate Cancer? Don't go too late to the doctor and take the chance to learn about this illness.
Black men and men with a positive family historyshould start at age 40. The aim of screening isto diagnose the disease at an early stage whileit is still potentially curable. By the timeprostate cancer becomes symptomatic it is usuallybeyond cure. The screening tests consist of adigital rectal examination and a PSA blood test.
The prostate gland may feel entirely normaldespite the presence of an early cancer. Thecombination of PSA and digital rectal examinationis more sensitive than either test alone. If oneor both of these tests are abnormal a transrectalultrasound and needle biopsies of the prostategland are performed.
Incidental finding following TURP Whenever atransurethral resection of the prostate gland isperformed for suspected benign disease theremoved tissue is sent for histological analysis.
Occasionally evidence of unsuspected prostatecancer is found in the tissue. In a young manwith an otherwise long life expectancy this isobviously significant. A tiny focus of cancer inan elderly man is probably not significant, sincethe prostate cancer will not have sufficient timeto become bothersome.
With our next information – we will inform youabout the “Diagnosis of prostate cancer” – so youshould have a look on this site in the next 2weeks! If you have any question sends us youre-mail.
Health-Service-Online Fritz Frei Admin
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