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Over a one-year time period, nineteen people followed a calorie-restricted diet, another nineteen ate as usual but engaged in regular workout, and ten people from the control group only followed a healthy lifestyle. The results showed a weight loss of about eighteen pounds and a bone density loss of more than two percent among the dieters.
The Diet Rich in Proteins
The diet rich in proteins, if followed for two weeks at a time, may have benefic effects such as enhancing the metabolism and burning more calories.Our April Fools' Celebration
Yes, we did post a few fake news on April 1st. We hope they were thoroughly enjoyed, and taken for what they were - April Fools' hoaxes.Five Misconceptions About Low-Carb Diets (I): the Atkins Diet
When the Atkins diet was published, it gave rise to many controversies about whether low-carb diets really work or not. Soon, a battle started between high and low-carb diets. In fact, studies showed that the Atkins diet is as efficient as any diet when it comes to losing weight.