The diet-free weight loss method is a great and easy method for helping you to finally keep that excess weight off for good.
Not only is this method based on the results of leading-edge scientific data, it is also based on good old-fashioned logic and wisdom - two invaluable principles that seem to be worryingly absent in so much of today’s health guidance.
First, let’s look at some hard-hitting, key facts about traditional dieting and then move on to reveal why the diet-free weight loss method may at last be the golden solution you’ve been searching for all this time.
Fact 1
Virtually 95% plus of everyday people like you and I who start a self-imposed diet will fail to stick to it, irrespective of their mindset.
Fact 2
Traditional dieting methodology requires you to use your willpower in order to succeed. In other words, you have to use constant FORCE to not only get, but maintain your desired weight result.
Fact 3
The reality of the dieting principle is that it simply does not work and this eye-popping fact is now finally being exposed and uncovered in some of the world’s most esteemed health journals.
The Essence Of Diet-Free Weight Loss
1 - It's Not Actually About Dieting At All
Diet-free weight loss is all about changing your mental relationship with food so you create a healthy relationship with it and not an unhealthy one.
A proven way to do that is by harnessing a specific technique –The Power Of Suggestion.
Through employing a combination of Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP) methods and the relaxing technique of hypnosis - where you are fully aware and totally in control of what is going on, you are able to "talk" directly to and positively reprogram the subconscious part of your mind.
The subconscious is where all of your associations and cravings about food are stored and through talking to it, you can begin to change your unhealthy relationship with food into a healthy one.
It's a totally natural process that we all do everyday without even thinking or realising we're doing it.
2 – Letting Go Is The Key To Holding On To What You Want
In order to get in shape and lose weight, it is essential for you to begin letting go of the idea that you are overweight in the first place.
Every single day you're bombarded with images of the so-called ideal body shape, through magazine pictures, advertising billboards, TV adverts, pop stars – the list is endless.
You are conditioned to think that this is how you should look.
3 – The Importance Of Balanced Nutrition And Regular Exercise
Obviously, if your entire diet consisted of hamburgers, pizza, sweet fizzy drinks, ice cream and nothing else, you wouldn't get the nutrition you need to maintain a healthy body – that's just plain common sense.
But if you redress the balance of your diet, then you're onto a winner!
Likewise, if you never do a jot of exercise, then how do you expect your body and heart to get the invaluable workouts they so badly need, in order for you to keep in shape?
Do even just a little exercise on a regular basis, however, then you're laughing.
So now you've learned about the 3 defining elements of the diet free weight loss method, it's time to delve much deeper and reveal more of this fantastic method for keeping that problem weight off for good.