Dieting: Friend or Foe

Jul 17


Olivia Hunt

Olivia Hunt

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In our society when abnormally thin models have become an icon, fat people sometime become ‘laughing-stocks’. They suppose that if they become slim, t...


In our society when abnormally thin models have become an icon,Dieting: Friend or Foe Articles fat people sometime become ‘laughing-stocks’. They suppose that if they become slim, their life will cardinally change. If you have never been on a diet, I’ll call you a lucky person. Six months ago I decided to try a low-carb diet, because to my opinion it was the best way for me to lose weight and at the same time to eat such food as cheese, meat, eggs, mushrooms and etc. But all the fruits, bread, chocolate and even some vegetables were forbidden. The first days of the diet were really awful. I always wanted to eat and every fruit seemed a bar of chocolate for me. In a week when I looked in the mirror I found my hair weak and my skin pale. But I did not stop dieting. I decided that when I loose weight all these problems will be solved.

I have become slim in 3 weeks and I even did not want to eat all this forbidden food and I felt almost happy. The next day when I went to the kitchen to boil some eggs I had thought that it was possible to eat some bread instead. From that time I cannot stop eating bread, fruits and what is more awful I’m not able to live a day without chocolate and sweets. The result is that all my kilos have returned in a double size. I am really depressed and I can’t communicate with people normally, because I hate my body.

Two days ago I have started visiting a doctor. She says I have a real chance to become slim again and to eat what I want. This process will take much time, but my kilos won’t return so rapidly, that’s why I’ll be able to control my weight. All the next facts I’ve heard from my doctor and I want you to read them carefully if you don’t want to repeat my mistakes.

Dieting is futile and downright dangerous. In fact, many doctors now believe you would be better off staying overweight. The obsession with losing weight fuels multi-million pound slimming industry which grows ever more inventive in its attempts to persuade veteran dieters that ‘this one really works’. But it’s obvious that all these diets don’t work in the long-term.