Different Combination And Mini Pills

Sep 20


Ian Caspar

Ian Caspar

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Contraceptive pills are very popular among women and they have been proven to be very effective in preventing pregnancy. Read further to learn more about some of the contraceptive pills.


Oral contraceptive pills,Different Combination And Mini Pills Articles a hormonal contraceptive method, have been proven to be very effective in preventing unplanned pregnancy in women. By far, the contraceptive pills have been the most popular among the other hormonal contraceptive methods. Contraceptive pills work with the help of artificial female hormones present in them. The pills are divided into two categories of combination pills and mini pills based on the hormones present in them. Combination pills consist of two artificial female hormones of oestrogen and progestogen, and protect you in three different ways. Mini pills consist of only one artificial female hormone called progestogen.

What is Dianette?

The Dianette contraceptive pill is one of the most popular and commonly used contraceptive pills by women. It is a combination pill which consists of ethinylestradiol (artificial oestrogen) and cyproterone acetate (artificial progestogen) as its active ingredient. This pill has been proven to be almost 100% effective in protecting women against unplanned pregnancy. You are required to take this pill for 21 days of your 28 day menstrual cycle. After this, you need to take a break of 7 days, during which you are likely to experience withdrawal bleeding. The Dianette contraceptive pill also helps in regulating periods, making them more predictable, reducing moodiness and making your periods less painfu

What is Yasmin?

Yasmin is one of the most popular and commonly used combination pills, which consists of ethinylestradiol, an artificial oestrogen, and drospirenone, an artificial progestogen, as its active ingredients. This pill has been proven to be almost 100% effective in preventing women from getting pregnant. You are required to take this pill for 21 days of your 28 day menstrual cycle, with a break of 7 days in between, during which you are likely to experience withdrawal bleeding. You can buy Yasmin pills with a prescription or through any of the registered online clinics. This pill can also help in treating acne and excessive hair growth, and can also improve the appearance of your skin.

What is Qlaira? Qlaira is one of the most popular combination pills used by women around the world. This pill has helped thousands of women by preventing pregnancy. This pill has been proven to be almost 100% effective in protecting women against pregnancy. It is a monophasic contraceptive pill, which means that it consists of the same dosage of ingredients in all the pills. Qlaira consists of ethinylestradiol (artificial oestrogen) and dienogest (artificial progestogen) as its active ingredients. You are required to take this pill for all 28 days of your menstrual cycle. What is Cerazette?

Cerazette is one of the most popularly used mini pills, and the only one which also prevents ovulation from occurring. This pill consists of desogestrel, synthetic progestogen, as its active ingredient. This pill is especially beneficial for women who are allergic to oestrogen, are breastfeeding, are above 35 years of age and those who have a habit of smoking. You are required to take this pill for all 28 days of your menstrual cycle. Apart from preventing ovulation, it also thickens the cervical mucus so as to prevent a sperm from entering and fertilizing an egg, and altering the womb linings to prevent the growth of an egg.