Disadvantages Of Becoming A Personal Trainer

Sep 20


Kelsey Libby

Kelsey Libby

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The personal trainer has a satisfying job assisting people achieve health and fitness aims. The job comes with bonuses. Many gyms provide trainers free membership for programming in their gyms.

The personal trainer has a satisfying job assisting people achieve health and fitness aims. The job comes with bonuses. Many gyms provide trainers free membership for programming in their gyms. Trainers also have the benefits of choosing their number of clients,Disadvantages Of Becoming A Personal Trainer Articles and the total programs provided for them. But there are disadvantages, such as unpredictable scheduling and variable customers. Becoming a personal trainer should be well thought out before choosing this career.

Legal Issues:

The main disadvantage to becoming a personal trainer is that the time you are occupied in exercise, there is a huge risk of damage or injury. If a client is hurt during a program, you could be legally responsible for the cost. Many insurance agencies do provide personal trainer insurance to deal with it, in such accidents. Request your local gym for their advice for a high quality insurance agency, and see if you can get them to deal with any unforeseen damages.


A personal trainer must alter to an uneven schedule. Many people need to work out early in the morning, and some need to exercise in the evenings. Which means a personal trainer will frequently have to work mornings as well as evenings. In addition to that, a trainer will have to cancel programs if he’s sick or going to a vacation, which may irritate the client.


Clients are necessary for the personal training business but they can be a distraction as well. Trainers’ can experience a lot of stress and pressure if a program is delayed, or the client is late. Clients tend to make their payment late as well, which can be another stress factor for trainers. Finally, clients who do not stay on the trainer's advice for workouts and diet when they’re outside of program, can let the personal trainers’ hope down, and they can disappoint the trainer.

Although, knowing you can change people’s lives is extremely satisfying. But there are only a few clients who really want to be healthy and lose weight. You have to carefully choose your clients, and your job is to do all within your professional means, to give your client the things they need to achieve the body they want. Bottom line is, don’t blame yourself for what the client’s not doing, and you should just try your best to be the best trainer you can be.