People nourishing hair for a long period of time often encounter many disadvantages in the process. They include several side effects on account of use of products that could be harmful to the skin and the surface of the head.
People nourishing hair for a long period of time often encounter many disadvantages in the process. They include several side effects on account of use of products that could be harmful to the skin and the surface of the head. Use of cheap quality product could reduce the status of the hair to poor and very poor leading to plenty of problems. If the hair loses its density, there will be tremendous fall of hair, splitting of hair and rapid hair loss. Sometimes rapid hair loss could lead to balding. In instances, prior to set in of the bald conditions, formation of flakes and generation of dandruff could pose a major problem. There are several products that overcome all these problems, but a majority of them contain chemical compositions that could be harmful to the skin. Instead of helping in overcoming the problem, the products might aggravate the situation.
Though hair care products such as shampoos and conditioners containing natural ingredients such as herbs are also available, they are expensive when compared to other products. They are expensive because all the products containing natural ingredients are hand made. They cannot be prepared in mechanized factories since the risk of chemical compositions entering the products are greater. Utmost care is always taken to prepare the natural herbal products for hair care. Therefore, the cost is on the higher side. Before purchasing the product, ascertain whether it meets the standards and the norms set for use. The natural ingredients such as oils, flower and fruit extractions and others are known to promote hair growth, particulary the density and the texture of the hair. Applying conditioners while using natural hair care products is not recommended.
If the hair is not washed for at least three or four times a week, there are possibilities of the hair losing its sheen and density. This condition will lead to hair loss over a prolonged period of time. Therefore, it is recommended that the hair conditioner is not used once the hair gets used to natural hair care products. Often, there have been instances of both conditioner as well as natural products going well together, but such situations are found not in many cases. Some of the natural hair care products extracted from herbs and plants are found to be extremely beneficial to people suffering from hair loss. At times, the person may be at disadvantage due to the poor condition of the hair. Under such circumstances, it is not good to recommend high chemical dosage containing shampoos and hair conditioners. The disadvantage can be converted into advantage by simply opting for natural hair care products.
The natural hair care products are also manufactured by the multinational companies. However, the range of natural hair care products is limited. Similarly, the availability of brands is also poor.
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