There are numerous types of routes that you may take when it comes to the in home personal training. Westchester health and fitness experts have shared that the two main types of exercise modes that you may want to consider in your work out routines are the resistance and the cardiovascular exercises.
There are numerous types of routes that you may take when it comes to the in home personal training. Health and fitness experts have shared that the two main types of exercise modes that you may want to consider in your work out routines are the resistance and the cardiovascular exercises. In this article, you will learn more about these two types of exercises.
Resistance Exercise: These exercises are also known as the strengthening exercise. As the term implies, these are exercises that can help in significantly increasing the amount of muscle strength that you may have. This is achieved by varying the intensity of training that you do in your in home personal training. Fitness and health experts advise you to assess the maximum amount of load that you can lift and carry in one repetition. Given this information, it will be easier for your trainer to design the entire program for you. When you do resistance exercises, you can use free weights of body weights. The more common choice is the use of free weights for your routines. The body weight mode is typically used for people who fall under the older age brackets.
Cardiovascular Exercise: On the other hand, cardiovascular exercises are typically known as aerobic exercises. This is the usual exercise mode of choice if you want to lose a significant amount of body fat within a certain period of time. On average, you can start to see significant results after six to eight weeks of constant training under this exercise mode. This happens when you incorporate necessary types of exercise progressions.
You can choose from a variety of exercise modes. Among these options, jogging seems to be the most common exercise choice. If you have knee problems or other similar concerns, biking may be the better alternative. Swimming is also a unique choice. If you are interested in dancing, you may also resort to this exercise mode, provided that you will take note of the exercise intensity required. These are just some of the key concepts that you have to learn when it comes to the types of exercises under in home personal training. Health and fitness experts expressed that it is important to learn these concepts because these can help you balance the training modes that you have to incorporate for your entire program.
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