Do you know that acne can be treated with a better diet?
Whenever you are upset or worry about your acne conditions think that there are many ways out. If you are up for natural treatment then a few changes in your lifestyles and diet can ameliorate your skin.
The Journal of American Medical Association discerns that,

“Diet plays no role in acne treatment in most patients…even large amount of certain food have not clinically exacerbated acne” whereas dermatologists and expert at the American Academy of Dermatology affirm that a healthy diet and lifestyle play very significant role in the tone and behavior of the skin cells . Vitamins and minerals are the essential nutrients that your skin needs to stay healthy. A lack of these very important nutritions can have a negative effect to your skin functions on a day to day basis, thus making your skin vulnerable to many skin disorders such as acne breakouts, blemishes, scarring and many others. Consuming a well-balanced diet full of nutrient-rich foods may help ameliorate the skin - even as a positive side effect of a healthy lifestyle. Essential Dieting for Acne Patients Skin experts and dermatologists alike recommend the consumption of a variety of nutrients rich in antioxidant, unprocessed foods. Eating organic foods – preferably in their natural state – means the body can absorb further nutrients per serving and easily process and assimilate the vitamins and minerals it needs. A healthy body and skin can be the outcome of eating foods that contain: Vitamin A: a fat-soluble vitamin which is also known as retinol can improve the rate if skin cell production, protects skin from toxins, and even give your immune system a boost. Good sources of vitamin A include cheese, eggs, oily fish (such as mackerel), liver, carrots, milk, fortified margarine, yogurt, spinach, apricots, tomatoes and yams. Vitamin E: a powerful antioxidant that can reduce the risk of skin damage and protect your cells. Vitamin E is a common ingredient in today’s anti-aging beauty products. It is found in a wide variety of foods. The richest sources are plant oils such as soya, corn and olive oil. Other good sources include nuts and seeds, and wheat germ (found in cereals and cereal products). Zinc: another powerful antioxidant which helps protect the immune system can defend from allergies, colds and viruses. Improving your health overall can lead to clear skin and fewer breakouts: just add more nuts, whole grains and eggs to your diet for an ample supply of zinc. Vitamin B-2: a valuable addition to your stress-reducing regiment, Vitamin B-2 can also help clear up existing acne breakouts and improve the texture and tone of your skin. Add more leafy green vegetables, fish and milk to your diet for a healthy supply of this important B-vitamin. Other essential nutrients for better skin include Omega-3 fatty acids, Vitamin B-3 and Calcium. Acne problems can be avoided if you understand what type of foods and conditions might be a possible trigger. Reducing the consumption of foods that cause a blood sugar spike is one simple way to improve skin health; Robyn N. Smith from Australia’s RMIT University published a study in 2007 that shows how a low-glycemic diet – one that is low in simple sugars and carbs such as white bread and white sugar – could help clear up the skin and reduce the risk of acne breakouts overall.