Do You Know Your Acne Types ?

Apr 6


Thomas Leroy

Thomas Leroy

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You may have more than one acne form on your skin. Learn to recognize your acne type and find your acne treatment.


Acne comes in many forms,Do You Know Your Acne Types ? Articles some are just between mild to moderate while some are already severe. When you only have a mild to moderate type of acne, regularly washing your skin would usually be enough to combat the condition but when you are already experiencing a severe form of acne, seek a dermatologist's help already so you'll get the proper treatment.

  • Whiteheads are mild types of acne. They are called whiteheads because of how they look like in the surface, they are like white heads that looks so tempting for you to pop but make sure you know how to pop out your whiteheads or else it may end up getting inflamed and scarred.
  • Blackheads look worse compared to whiteheads because of its black color that can be noticeable especially when they are already “ripe”. When they're ripe, you could use a blackheads remover to remove them but make sure you have clean hands and face.
  • Papules are red and tender bumps but they don't have a head. Papules should not be popped because it will just cause the infection to spread further. You have to wait it to mature and become pustules.
  • Pustules are inflamed and with a white or yellow head that is about to pop. You can let it pop on its own or you pop it under sterile conditions and you must know how to treat it after popping.

Whatever is your acne condition and your acne forms, you need some proper care and treatments to not make it worse. Nowadays, hundreds of acne treatments are available on the market and this is difficult to find which is the one that works for you. What works for you may not work for others, that is why you may want to get a treatment that fights multiple acne cause and also prevent acne from occuring again. A complete solution would be a kit that includes all the steps to cleanse your face, treat acne from outside and inside factors, and finally protect your skin. You can find acne treatment kits that include supplements in addition to topical gels or lotions.

Natural acne treatments are gentle enough to treat many forms of acne and are very well tolerated, but you can of course opt for advanced formulas with natural and science ingredients.

For some case, a dermatologist advice may be required.

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