Doctor Rating Sites and How You Should Use Them
Doctor rating sites have grown in popularity over the last few years. Using these sites to their maximum benefit requires some careful reading.
Doctor rating sites have certainly grown in popularity over the last few years,
and for good reason. People have always liked the idea of taking the power of choice away from bigger companies, while giving it back to the individual. Patients have had the power of choice for as long as any of us have been alive, of course, but the method of selection when it came to choosing healthcare left something to be desired. With these sites, you can read opinions from patients just like you and have a lot more information to go on. Having said that, using these sites to their maximum benefit requires some careful reading.
It should be noted that these doctor rating sites have come under a lot of criticism and scrutiny from physician groups. Some sites dismiss these criticisms as predictable backlash from a society that wants to remain secretive and can’t stand to be broken down in the form of user reviews. They argue that every other product and service in the world is subject to online user reviews, so why should physicians be any different? There is a point here, but nonetheless, the physicians have some good points of their own. While it would be a travesty for these sites to disappear under pressure, it would be ignorant to ignore some of the problems inherent in the current system.
For one thing, there is no accountability. Anyone can post a review. They can do so anonymously. They may not be who they say they are. Now, this is a problem that all anonymous user reviews face and it is certainly not unique to doctor reviews. However, it does tell the reader that they must be careful when taking a review at face value. Always look for a hidden angle. Check the details and see if the person sounds like a genuine patient or like someone getting revenge.
Another problem is the lack of substance. Many reviews are simply worthless. They rant about something irrelevant to the average reader, or they heap on effusive praise for no good given reason. It should also be understood that one or two reviews in either direction really don’t mean a thing. As a reader, you should automatically disregard the consensus on any doctor will less than five reviews. Not until after that point will the “wisdom of crowds” start to shine through and provide you with direction. These sites provide an invaluable resource, but they must be used wisely to give you the maximum benefit.