Doctors, What Is Missing In Healthcare Today?
When a person comes to you seeking medical help, what do you do?
As a healthcare professional,

you generally go into assess and evaluate mode when a person comes to you requiring medical attention, right?
You do what you were trained to do, and that's to make some kind of diagnosis. You want to get right down to the problem and fix it somehow. Whatever ailment a patient is experiencing, you want to get rid of it using treatments, medical technology, or pills. After that is done, you send the patient home.
Of course, not all ailments are easy to heal. People dealing with high level illnesses or diseases need extensive care. However, in the rush to get patients out of the hospital due because of heavy workloads, patients are forgotten and comfort care options are not communicated.
And therein is where the problem lies. What some medical professionals are forgetting is the "care" that should be part of healthcare. Taking care of people has turned into an assembly line of sorts - doing things as cost effective and as quickly as possible. It's not necessarily your fault if you're simply overloaded with patients and there just doesn't seem to be enough time to care of everyone like you want to.
All that being said, you do have a minute or two to stop, take a breath, and look into a patient's eyes to let them know that you sincerely hope they start to feel better. You have a few minutes to recommend a couple things to do after they leave the hospital or clinic.
When you care about people, you show compassion and you communicate with them. Most of the time all a patient wants to know is that you care. Showing compassion helps with the healing process. Communicate and let patients know what is going on with their health.
Let's put the care back in healthcare.