Does Your Food Matter to God?

Jan 26


Ginny Edwards

Ginny Edwards

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If anyone had told me 10 years ago that what and how we eat matters to God and to His purposes for my life, I probably would have laughed. However, after living on a high raw diet, I can truly say that your food does matter. It matters to your health, it matters to your spiritual growth, and it matters to your emotional stability.


 Does Your Food Matter to God? 

If anyone had told me 10 years ago that what and how we eat matters to God and to His purposes for my life, Does Your Food Matter to God? Articles I probably would have laughed.  However, after living on a high raw diet, I can truly say that your food does matter.  It matters to your health, it matters to your spiritual growth, and it matters to your emotional stability. 

There are physiological reasons why it matters, but it also matters spiritually.  If you are a person deeply entrenched in church life, this may sound totally bizarre.  After all, most of our church activities revolve around eating and once we thank God for the food, we typically give little thought to what He may think about what we’re doing to our bodies and our minds.  Pot Lucks, donuts and coffee before church, fund raisers selling hot dogs and chips, etc., are all part of our normal church life.  But have we been deceived into believing that giving food that place of pre-eminence in our lives is a good thing?  Doesn’t the Bible talk about not allowing anything to have control over you?  Do any of these characteristics touch a nerve?  If so, maybe food has the wrong place in your life. 

  • You get angry when someone encourages you to eat differently
  • You are overweight and use food as an emotional release
  • You believe you can eat anything you want because God doesn’t care about such things
  • You get sick from overeating and then wonder why God doesn’t “heal” you
  • You sense God calling you to a different place in your health, but you resist that call 

The Body of Christ has for too long ignored the truth about why we are just as sick as the “world”.  God has given us principles for health in His Word if we choose to have eyes to see. 

 Here is what can happen when you pursue living for God in your food habits: 

  • God will lead and direct you to the foods that best nourish your body
  • You start turning to Him instead of addictive foods for support and grow stronger and more in tune spiritually as a result
  • You become more acutely aware of your natural surroundings and discover a more peaceful life
  • Your emotions stabilize
  • Your energy soars 

These are just a few of the benefits of allowing God into your food choices.  Start today thinking about not only being grateful for God’s provision of food, but ask Him what the best foods are for your body – you may be surprised at what He shows you.