Don't Be Afraid to Wear Your Hearing Aid
If you have to wear a hearing aid, be proud of that fact, no one has to know if you choose one that is barely noticeable. Remember, there once was a time when the only option was to carry around a big ear horn.
Many people once thought that wearing an assistive hearing device was grounds to be ridiculed mercilessly by their peers. Since there are way more people who do not suffer from this ailment,

people who had hearing loss are a minority. It has been shown throughout history that those who are healthy and strong tend to prey on those who are seen as weak and suffer from physical and mental ailments.
Most forms of hearing loss are preventable. It seems that no matter how much people are educated on how to reduce their chances of losing their hearing, they would rather do what is popular to gain favor with their friends instead of thinking about the future and taking the necessary precautions. If more and more people, particularly the younger generation would take more time and avoid situations that involve loud noises and crowds, they won't end up being ashamed of the fact that they may end up wearing a hearing aid one day.
The design of the hearing aid has evolved so much that it is very hard to tell when people have them on. In the past, people who had to wear prosthetics were often ashamed of their condition even though they may not have had any other choice to live a normal life. People would talk about, mistreat and abuse those who were less fortunate. Now that technology is always advancing and creating more opportunities for medical science to create prosthetic devices such as hearing aids , mastectomy bras, hands and feet to either appear realistic or to not be noticeable at all. Many people would have to get some form of counseling so they could learn how to adapt and live within cruel society.
Now that the mainstream has become more educated and aware of the potential health problems that can affect anyone at any time, they as a whole have become more socially accepting. Of course many times when someone starts to experience a slow onset of hearing loss, people may start to think that individual is a bit flaky and rude because they may start to avoid conversations, respond in correctly and may even just disappear when people are seeking them out. It is important to know that if someone suddenly out of the blue starts to exhibit this kind of behavior, it is because they may be experiencing trouble hearing and understanding others. Instead of assuming the worse, it is best to be proactive and get them to a hearing center to make sure their hearing is fine. If it is not, they are in the right place to get help to cope with their condition.
Don't ever be afraid to wear your hearing aid if you need to. Don't ever let someone make you feel inferior about anything in life. This is no longer the 80's or 90's when ridicule was prevalent. Some people may remain ignorant, but you are able to rise above any situation because you took the high road and received help so that you can hear as well as anyone else.