Don’t Be An Impulsive And Impatient Mother, Stay Calm And Composed
Face daily challenges in a more positive way with relaxing Mindpower Sessions™. Learn how to tough situations = with more patience and love.
Is your house vibrating with sounds of yelling and screaming at the kids? Are you frustrated because of the continuous nagging? You are definitely losing your patience and your kids are enraging you,
it seems. Your simple requests are thrashed around and you are getting impatient minute by minute. You need to understand, when you are raising children, you need patience and lots of patience!
The children are going to be a reflection of you in the future. They have a string of constant demands. Some can be fulfilled whereas you have to refuse others. You have to listen to your kids with patience and calmness. This will helps them grow well and responsibly. What can you do to stay patient?
- Childhood brings forth many challenges. These can make upbringing a complex task. You have to approach each growing stage with serenity and understanding. Remember, your impatience will pass on to the child. Our reactions during challenging moments are being carefully assessed by our child. They are looking at us constantly, monitoring how we behave when we are happy, sad, or angry. Your “impatient mother” outlook will not acceptable in such a case. The actions you make have to be mapped out, composed and cool. Remember that you are an example for your child. This is the best way- we doubt you will go wrong!
- Impatient mothers often break down into tears or end up badgering their child when they can’t control the kid. Despair is common when you try to control the behavior of your child forcibly. Take a moment and use your power of “self-control”. Mothers are born with these qualities; all they have to do is strengthen their control and thinking!
- Unnecessary mistreatment and punishment can have repercussions. Desperate cries and tantrums won’t work; rather they teach the child to lose their control during stressful situations. Explain your view point to the child with love and affection.
- Kids respond well to consistent attitudes. They are keenly observing our actions. If you have asked the child to be disciplined and remain calm they expect the same from you. If you want them to stop playing and read books then you have to do the same. Don’t shout and scream rather grab a novel and read yourself. They will ape you!
- Try to connect to the child’s emotional outbursts by understanding their feelings. Your empathy can work wonders.
- You need to be flexible in your attitude. Rigid behavior on your part will encourage the child to be stubborn and argumentative.
- Get close to your child by disciplining yourself not to be impatient. Your child will listen to reasoning if you patiently explain. Forget that you are feeling angry because of discouragement and exhaustion.
- Try, try and try again till you succeed. Love is the only thing that can turn your child around. You mean well but your child does not know this. But don’t worry, one day your kid will realise your worth, just hang in three. Take it easy-one step at a time. All you have to remember is to calm down and stop getting angry. Be able to take criticism, apologise when needed, and be reasonable!