Don’t Fear But Embrace STD Testing
Every person that decides they’d rather be left in the dark about their sexual health means another potential infection that was avoidable. STD testing is important for not only the individual, but also everyone in society.
Many people still use the excuse,
"I’d rather just not know" when it comes to STD testing. Ignorance might be bliss, but the issue isn’t as simple as that. Too often people anticipate the worst or believe they can’t change what has happened in the past. While you do face some obstacles after receiving a positive test, you also have several options to help improve your health and protect yourself and others from developing further problems in the future.
When you engage in risky behavior, there are generally two (and sometimes more) people involved. So even if you refuse to respect your own body, you must remember that this is not a decision that is made alone. Most physicians would suggest STD testing following any relationship or sexual contact without protection. However, no protection method is full proof. If you engage in sex with multiple partners, even with a condom on a regular basis, you should visit a physician more regularly for check-ups. Any indication of a problem such as irritation of the genitals, visible changes, or other abnormalities should be reported immediately before performing any further sexual activities with a partner to help prevent potential transmission. You should also expect the same treatment from your partners.
If you do discover a problem following STD testing, it isn’t a life sentence. Many diseases and infections can be easily managed or cleared up with modern medicine. Syphilis, for example, is an increasingly common sexually transmitted disease that can be cured with penicillin treatments. Allowing the problem to progress; however, can lead to a greater susceptibility to HIV after unprotected sex with an infected partner or can cause other infections. Another easily treatable infection is crab lice, which are small parasites that nest in pubic hair and cause itching and discomfort. With a short visit to the doctor, these problems can be stopped before being transmitted to others, further exacerbating the problem.
An incurable and common disease is herpes with an estimated 100,000 new carriers each year. Painful blisters appear around the genitals that can cause great discomfort and other side effects such as flu-like symptoms. Women with herpes may be at a greater risk for cervical cancer as well. Fortunately, herpes can be managed with medication and some daily health precautions. You can also prevent transmission through careful management and by practicing safe sex.
Most people are scared of one specific terminal disease --AIDS. While not as common as in the past, it is still a problem in the United States. In 2009, there were a reported 50,000 more documented cases of people with HIV, and there may be several thousand more that have not been tested. If you are diagnosed with HIV following STD testing, your life is not over. You have the opportunity to make the most of the time you do have and to prevent yourself from spreading the epidemic. Modern medication allows the afflicted to live comfortably for several years, but waiting for a diagnosis could take years away from your life.