There are many steps you must take to make sure that your hair stay in a healthy condition and don’t get damaged due to bad hair care. Follow these Do’s & Don’ts for hair care to achieve strong and healthy hair.
Proper hair care is important to make sure that you hair stay healthy & strong.
Let’s take a look at some Do’s and Don’ts for hair care.
Do Get Trims On Frequent Intervals
Even if you’re trying to grow long hair, still you need to get trims on frequent intervals as it ensure that there are no dry, dead or split ends. Remember, if neglected, split ends can cause too much damage by splitting the full length of the hair.
Do Get Scalp Massages
You must get scalp massage for best results by using olive oil or coconut oil, or by getting a deep nourishing hair mask. This can enhance flow of blood in your scalp, facilitating pressure and ending stress, the scalp and roots of the hair are moisturized by oils used in the massage.
Do Use Natural Hair Masks Regularly
Hair masks are extraordinary for renewing moisture and dampness to the hair and make it to look full, strong and healthy. A good hair masks are those that contain organic and natural contents. A number of these can be made at home with common items available in every home, which can be easily found in kitchen cupboards.
Note: These hair care tips are for everyday use. You need to consult your surgeon for special hair care that needs to be followed after getting hair transplant in India.
Now, let’s take a look at some Don’ts for hair care.
Don't Over Wash Hair
Natural oils present in your hair will get removed, making your hair dry and brittle, if you wash your hair too often. You’ll be surprised to know that when hair is washed or cleaned more often, then it becomes greasier between the washes a lot quicker. This happens because the hair starts delivering more oil than what is lost in the washing. It's suggested that hair should be washed between 1 to 2 times every week, to keep it strong and healthy.
Don’t Utilize Dyes And Harsh Chemicals
This is particularly vital if you have been losing hair, or if you had a hair transplant in India recently. It is because hair is more sensitive after a transplant surgery. Scalp aggravation can be avoided by simply staying away from harsh chemicals and dyes. Selecting more organic and natural items can prove to be gentle on the sensitive scalp, and such products are also packed with natural nutrients that can prove to be highly beneficial for your hair.
Don’t Use Heat When Styling
Hair ends up breaking and splitting as it dries out due to the high heat used in styling. To prevent damage to your hair, so use heat styling tools on the lowest heat possible. You can also use heat-defence products, such as sprays or creams.
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